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Post by TPFKA@W »

Please, the next time wes asks to delete his account, please just do it without hesitation. He has edited his absolutely disrespectful and reprehensible post BUT God only knows what the douchbag will do next so when he asks for it, JUST DO IT.

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Re: Gob

Post by wesw »

feel free.

this place has l0st its flav0r with0ut jim.

and the ab0ve statement is subjective and n0t accurate.


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Re: Gob

Post by Gob »

Meade read the original, and will be able to confirm the contents were despicable if so.

The fact that this lowlife piece of shit will sink so far, just to make himself loathed here, shows what a fucked up personality disorder he is.

Can you imagine waking up one morning and finding you were still wesw? It's bad enough the contempt he engenders in us for him, but the self loathing he must feel for himself will be of a far greater magnitude.,
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Re: Gob

Post by MajGenl.Meade »

I found wesw's post distasteful in the extreme. Chortling (disguised as 'concern') about the possibility of finding and revealing private information and then boasting that he had done so. In effect, he was challenging others to do the same and post what they found.

The only redeeming factor is that he took it down so swiftly, (and not after a dog-pile) although that may have been simply doubling down on fake concern rather than remorse. Anyway, it's gone. He isn't. Perhaps we give him a pass on this one and take the removal at face value.

Don't do such a thing again, wesw or I shall not find it in my heart to forgive it
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Re: Gob

Post by Guinevere »

Every single one of us has the ability to research, data mine, and look up information based on things everyone has posted here. That the vast majority of us do not post any such information is one of the things that makes this place special. We have a true community here, and despite many disagreements and disputes, we abide by the few but important community norms and standards. In short, we all have skin in this game and we all respect each other enough so that violating these few norms is not really an issue.

When one steps over the line, they should be corrected, as happened here. If it happens again, then we can discuss other options. That’s pretty much what happened with the only poster who has ever been banned from this place. And it took a long time and a lot of bad behavior to get there.

Glad you took it down wesw. That was not acceptable. Please don’t do it again.
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Re: Gob

Post by Bicycle Bill »

I just want to say here that when I first started hanging out on bulletin boards, specifically the Car Talk bulletin board, I was sort of feeling my way around like the noob that I was at the time.  I wouldn't exactly say that LJ mentored me, but even back then I could tell that he was the kind of person who was a straight shooter and, when something needed to be said, would say it.  But he didn't take it to extremes; he wasn't the kind of person who would go straight for the jugular at the least little slight or disagreement.  He had tact, and could tell you to go to hell in a way that would almost make you look forward to the trip.  I tried to emulate him, and I like to think that to some degree I have.

I also still fondly remember a time when someone else on the Car Talk board went over the line in belittling another poster, and I stepped in to their defense, recommending that the offender tone it down or someone might tone it down for them (maybe not in those exact words, but hey ... they had it coming).  LJ sent me a personal message complimenting me in calling out the offender and expressing a bit of surprise at my forcefulness, as he had up to that point considered me to be a very mild, polite person and how my response seemed a bit out of character.  I responded back to tell him that normally I was, but this particular incident hit me just right so that my internal fuse went 'snik' and ... well.

So maybe it's a good thing I never saw what wesw wrote, or I might have gotten angry.  And like Bruce Banner always said, "Don't make me angry.  You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."
Yes, I suppose I could agree with you ... but then we'd both be wrong, wouldn't we?

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Re: Gob

Post by wesw »

jiminy Christmas...

d0n t get y0ur dander up , bill....

I ll speak t0 this later, if I may.

I m g0ing fishing t0m0rr0w....

n0t sure what the rules are.

wish me luck.

the watermen aren t really crabbing much, well, they weren t....

...s0 there might be a right g00d jag 0f crabs 0ut there....

but it has been c0ld, s0 maybe n0t.

we ll see...

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