May he rest in piss

All things philosophical, related to belief and / or religions of any and all sorts.
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Re: May he rest in piss

Post by ex-khobar Andy »

Also per lib:
Do you consider the Nazi extermination of Jews to be a demonic act.
Demons are evil spirits. James 2:19 tells us that "You believe that God is one. You do well. Even the demons believe that and tremble." So demons believe in God.

No. The Nazi extermination of the Jews (and others such as gays and gipsies and trade unionists and Jehovah's Witnesses and communists . . . the list goes on) was an act of evil by people. Not demons or bad juju or misplaced nationalism. Just evil evil fuckers. And banal fuckers at that.

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Re: May he rest in piss

Post by Burning Petard »

I am happy for Liberty. He seems to have found his own satisfactory answer to why bad things happened to good people. {for me he seems to carry a whiff John Calvin, that is God knows all and they only look to us as if they were good people] I find my own solace in the old, old story of Job, particularly chapters 38ff.
I regard this all as a very human ability to be cafeteria scholars, Our ability to review the enormous collections of wisdom available, and chose those items that agree with our own already-formed personal preferences.

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Big RR
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Re: May he rest in piss

Post by Big RR »

Is Shit Head a coward as well as a mean piece of shit? I can't remember him ever critiquing Muslims.
I recall him condemning the acts of moslems for threatening to kill people who dared to publish a picture of the prophet in an unflattering light. And, going back further, I seem to recall him critciizing the fatwa against Rushdie for daring to publish the Satanic Verses; I'm not going to . I think the reason he criticizes chrsitian (small c because it is far from the teachings of Christ) leaders more because they have a lot more power to influence governments in North America than islamic leaders do.

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Re: May he rest in piss

Post by Scooter »

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Re: May he rest in piss

Post by BoSoxGal »

That made me cry. Also because I watched The Normal Heart again last night and it just wrecked me.
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Re: May he rest in piss

Post by Bicycle Bill »

Occasionally I have to agree with you, Scooter, and this is one of those times.  Where's that from?
Yes, I suppose I could agree with you ... but then we'd both be wrong, wouldn't we?

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Re: May he rest in piss

Post by Scooter »

A friend of mine shared it on Facebook, it wasn't credited but he asked that anyone who knew who wrote it let him know.
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Big RR
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Re: May he rest in piss

Post by Big RR »

:ok :ok :ok :ok

Great post Scooter.

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Re: May he rest in piss

Post by Big RR »

FWIW, I think that is what hell really is--not a lake of fire with devils and pitchfork, but forever to contemplate what an asshole you have been during your lifetime. The suffering is of your own doing, and hell ends, and "forgiveness" can be had, when you learn to forgive yourself and live with that realization and can move on. Some will find that harder than others, but we have eternity to come to grips with it.

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Re: May he rest in piss

Post by MajGenl.Meade »

I thought it seemed a lot like hell too.
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Re: May he rest in piss

Post by rubato »

liberty wrote:
Sat Jun 10, 2023 7:13 pm
I watched his Seven Hundred Club for two seasons and never heard him say anything mean. I did see him do good work around the world. He has helped people in third-world countries from Africa to Ukraine. Shit Head hates him, I think, for being an influential Christian. Is Shit Head a coward as well as a mean piece of shit? I can't remember him ever critiquing Muslims. Like most cowards, he attacks those he thinks he is safe from counterattack.

Here is a good question: Why does Shit Head hate Christians so much?
Tell us again about how the Russian military is the most powerful ( in the world ) in the 3rd world.

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