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slaughter in the garden

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 6:07 pm
by wesw
it all began with the pleasant innocence of spring.

there I was , sitting in the shade, observing my yard on a fine april day, the turning of the soil had begun, the sowing of seeds had commenced, and then I saw them. I saw the bags. the horrid bags had returned. dread filled my heart, and I knew what must be done.....

Re: slaughter in the garden

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 7:52 pm
by wesw
....I must slaughter them, destroy them, as I had done so many times before.

it isn t ever easy for me, killing, but who else would stand before their onslaught? no one would, no one if not me. the bags, with their wispy wicked whiteness, exuded evil and it wasn t so hard for me to wreak havoc upon them . it was having to crush their evil spawn that spewed from their tattered shreds that made it difficult, so cute, so helpless , so evil....

Re: slaughter in the garden

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 8:47 pm
by Joe Guy
Is this a work in progress that will be created before our very eyes and ultimately tell an engrossing and imaginative story for all to read?

Re: slaughter in the garden

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 10:02 pm
by wesw
well, I don t know if it will be engrossing..., gross tho!

imaginative? maybe.

you got the rest in one tho, joe!

Re: slaughter in the garden

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 10:10 pm
by wesw
as always, I did the deed. the dreaded deed that must be done..., the deed of death. I ripped and tore thru them. they clung to me as if I was the safety as well as the storm, and even as they enveloped my hands, I crushed their writhing,pulsating broods beneath my hands, my feet. I crushed their offspring with the very hands they clung to.

my dreaded duty done , I washed off their filth and settled back into my little life, safe , secure and sick at what I had done...

Re: slaughter in the garden

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 10:13 pm
by MajGenl.Meade
Killing your sperm again, wesw?

Re: slaughter in the garden

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 10:22 pm
by wesw
it was a lovely day in late spring. I was back in my comfy chair, surveying my yard, my realm, when my stomach turned. I had missed one. back along the fence in the vacant lot behind my yard, where my little dog played and my child frolicked, there was a another bag. hiding among the trees that had been allowed to grow along the fence, there was the bag, peeking out as its evil destroyed the trees in which it hid. the trees, the poor trees, their skeletons cried out to my very soul. we are lost they said, save yourself.

I rushed to them but I was too late. I destroyed the bag, but I was too late. the the brood was gone, escaped. damn it! I had failed and now the world would pay for my failure.....

Re: slaughter in the garden

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 10:22 pm
by Long Run
Enos, already.

Re: slaughter in the garden

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 10:26 pm
by Long Run
Pesky things.

Re: slaughter in the garden

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 1:16 am
by wesw
....I got a few of the little bastards in the yard, but not enough to matter. they had disappeared into the nooks and crannies of the world. they d not gone tho, oh no, I knew that they had not gone. they were here, waiting for the chance to nibble at my goodness. they always nibble the edges first, to weaken, to force the sweet fruit of my soul to come out.

then they feast.....

Re: slaughter in the garden

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 1:05 pm
by wesw
....they came for me yesterday, and they are getting stronger..., smarter.

I was patrolling the garden, weeding, watering, working the soil, killing the odd beast, nothing much. things were calm , things always get calm....

I had cleaned my detritus away, put away my implements and was heading in for the night. they were at my door. they were patrolling my (italics) porch. the fury flashed and I slaughtered with abandon. it wasn t so hard now, the killing. it always gets easier.

I sated my blood lust and went in for dinner....

Re: slaughter in the garden

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 11:14 pm
by MajGenl.Meade
Have you tried using a net?


Re: slaughter in the garden

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 4:18 pm
by wesw
....the porch was clear this morning. dead bodies crunched beneath my feet as I walked out the door, nothing moving tho....

I watered the garden, I worked my way back to the strawberries planted around my porch, that was when I noticed. my strawberry plants had been attacked. each plant was half gone, and clinging to a stalk of each plant was a little demon, hiding, not moving a muscle. it was all a clever ruse. they had swarmed my porch, sacrificing themselves, willingly for the good of the greater evil. they get smarter....

...I crushed them , each in turn, beneath my fingers. it was no longer the least bit unpleasant....

they usally go for the trees. what the hell were they doing at my door? I had been watching the trees like a hawk, not one mulberry leaf was amiss. where were they? they get smarter...

Re: slaughter in the garden

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 4:29 pm
by Lord Jim
They're like The Borg, wes...

They learn and adapt...

Re: slaughter in the garden

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 4:40 pm
by wesw
....damn it! even the berries were a distraction!

they were on my plum tree! they seethed around its trunk in their multitudes. bastards. evil bastards. the tree was strong tho, none ventured into its leaves. none ranged above 6 ft high into the greenery. the life force of the tree fought them, staved them off until I noticed. this is an old tree, thick and gnarled in its trunk. it was half dead when I found it, I almost cut it down, but one large branch lived, so I cut away the death and the old fellow has thrived since. it bristles with young fruit now and was not going down easy.

I crushed them lovingly into his trunk, they would nourish him this year....

Re: slaughter in the garden

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 4:55 pm
by Joe Guy

Re: slaughter in the garden

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 11:50 pm
by wesw
....soon they ll swarm on their filthy new wings, and when they swarm, my work will be done. the worst is over now, for me. they are out of my reach now, they are in the trees. they are feasting now. the cries of the mulberry trees torment me, I can only suffer. my place is here. this lot is mine to defend, I cannot leave it.

the years of battle have left me weary, the slaughter haunts my soul. as the bloodlust wains, the disgust returns, the loathing of what I become each spring. in this time of rebirth and renewal I must wear the cloak of death, I must become the reaper. I must wonder where the evil truly lies...

I must wash my filthy hands....

Re: slaughter in the garden

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 11:18 pm
by wesw
....well my story is almost done. nothing that you want remains. soon the evil will be gone, like gypsies, in the night..... they will spread far and wide.

I have failed, as I always fail.

tonight I will light a fire, I will roast a beast and finish my tale. there is nothing good left, nothing you want, but come if you want. I will finish. I must finish this, but you needn t come. nothing good remains....

Re: slaughter in the garden

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 1:05 am
by wesw you came after all, eh? sit by the fire then, have a piece of meat. relax now, while you can...

...this began, for me by a fire and so shall it end. fire is the best way. the best way to destroy evil, and good. the days of marching thru the streets, chasing evil, with a flaming torch are gone tho, long gone. we find other ways.... old man, by a fire, long ago, told me a tale, a similar tale to the one that has engrossed you so. I listened as you do. most of the boys listened, for a while. he was crazy they said, lets go play, the fireflies are out. come, leave him be...

... but I stayed , I listened, as you have stayed, as you have listened. it was a good story and I wanted to see it thru. I remained....

...the next morning he was gone. he took nothing. he left nothing, only footprints and memories, and we forgot him, mostly...

summer passed into winter, and winter into spring...

that was when I noticed the bags....

they didn t seem to bother my friends, but they haunted me. I could see the evil in their wispy whiteness, I could feel the evil seething within them. they enraged me.

that first year was hard on me. I was compelled to destroy them, but I did not know the limits of my strength then. the first week was a blur. I did not eat, I did not sleep, I only killed, until I collapsed beneath the trees. I would awake under some dead tree, my skin crawling with evil, and I would begin anew.

but I learned, I learned my place. I learned my trees and I protected them. that is all we can do, protect our own little realms and tell our tales....

you too will learn these things. I am sorry you stayed, and I am thankful, for I am old now and my story nears its end.

when spring comes again, you will see the bags, you will feel the evil, you will hear the screams of the mulberry trees. you will always see the bags...

I am sorry. I am thankful. I am tired. go now, I must sleep.....

....................................................finita la musica......................................................................................... wes

Re: slaughter in the garden

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 1:20 am
by wesw
well, that was an interesting way to write a story. never tried that before.

its hard to maintain a consistent voice, one paragraph at a time.

usually I write a short story in one sitting. then one re write and one touch up, but it usually comes out pretty much whole in the first writing.

I should go back and make it whole, punctuate it properly and fix the inconsistencies, but I can t be bothered....

first thing I ve ever written without a pen and paper....