Strange Plane Disappearance...

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Post by RayThom »

Lord Jim wrote:
"... psycho pilot..."
To be exact, I'm fairly certain it was a suicidal copilot. This whole incident is becoming a conspiracy theorist's wet dream. Am I wrong... maybe. But until more evidence is literally dredged up then this ugly situation will be nothing more than a worldwide mystery.

The scientific method works best when simplicity, rather than complexity, is applied. Why strain your brain-pan on nothing more than supposition? Sit back, relax, and wait for the next chapter to unfold.

Abe Lincoln said it best, "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." Using this as my guideline then I'm almost a genius.

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Re: Strange Plane Disappearance...

Post by Gob »

Of all the various theories to have emerged about the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, this could be the most terrifying yet.

Aviation experts have raised the possibility that, if the flight’s pilots had become incapacitated, the passengers and cabin crew may have flown for seven hours aware that there was a problem but unable to raise the alarm .

That's because the reinforced cockpit door, designed for maximum security, would have stopped staff or passengers from getting into the cockpit to make contact with the outside world.

Read more: ... z2x25mY0um
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Re: Strange Plane Disappearance...

Post by dgs49 »

A suicidal copilot would not have flown the jet until it ran out of fuel. He would have (after incapacitating the pilot) made a bee line for either the water or some hard surface.

Lingering, conscious, suicide is an extremely unlikely guess.

Just like every other theory I've heard.

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Post by RayThom »

It's really amazing you know how to read the suicide mind so well. If I could do that I'd be a multimillionaire lecturing to the American Psychological Association on a weekly basis.

Oh, well. I guess I'm now back to square one -- Alien Abduction.

I wonder how those kamikaze pilots in WWII managed to keep so focused?
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Re: Strange Plane Disappearance...

Post by Long Run »

I think a lot of the speculation is just plane crazy.

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Re: Strange Plane Disappearance...

Post by Lord Jim »

Lingering, conscious, suicide is an extremely unlikely guess.
Maybe after decompressing the cabin section to kill all the passengers and crew, the suicidal pilot (or co-pilot) set a new course for the most remote ocean area within the plane's fuel range and then chomped down on a cyanide capsule or took something that would knock him out so the end would come without his being awake...

Maybe he set this course and had the plane fly for six more hours because even as deranged as he was, on some level he felt guilty about what he was doing and was trying to make the plane "disappear" in area where it would be least likely to be found, and thus his actions least likely to be discovered...

Maybe he kept the plane flying because he had some bizarre ritual he wanted to perform...

Maybe he kept the plane flying because he got cold feet and couldn't bring himself to put the plane in a nose dive, so he just let nature take its course...

All of those things are possible...

It's also possible that the pilots were displaced by a passenger or passengers, (maybe the reason there's never been a claim of responsibility is because they were just a couple of nutcases acting alone) who had similar motivations, (or who wanted to "terrorize" by creating a mystery; whether they were free lancers or part of a group) ...

All of those things are possible; given the known facts...

Though I have to say that the "terrorist" theory, while not ruled out by the known facts, seems somewhat weaker to me; if you apply Occam's Razor:

For anyone other than either the pilot or co-pilot to have done this, you have to posit a struggle, and then you have to posit hijackers who had knowledge of the plane, its systems and operation equal to that of pilots experienced at flying the plane...

If it was one of the pilots, you don't need any of that to explain what happened; they already controlled the plane, and we know they had the expertise...

I agree that for a person or persons bent on a suicide mission with an aircraft to keep it aloft for six hours is "extremely unlikely"...

The problem is, that if the plane really went down where all the best evidence indicates it did, (of course if it didn't go down in the Southern Indian Ocean, then everything is back on the table; accident, Doomsday Plane, alien abduction, etc.) as "extremely unlikely" as that explanation may be, it's the only one that's possible...

It couldn't have gotten there by accident, (because somebody had to make that second course change) and it couldn't have gotten there with anyone intending to land it...( because there's no place to land it there...)


One further point:

I'm not particularly impressed with the fact that thus far the investigations into the pilot and co-pilot's lives haven't turned up anything that would be some sort of a red flag that something like this might have been in the offing, (especially now that we pretty much know for a fact that this must have been a suicide mission on somebody's part)

There are plenty of examples of people who have killed their own families (and also after that frequently themselves) who weren't experiencing financial or interpersonal problems or who appeared to anyone else to be under any sort of duress...

They just lost out in a struggle with their own private demons; a struggle unknown to anyone but themselves...

That may very well be what happened here...

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Re: Strange Plane Disappearance...

Post by Lord Jim »

Of course there's another possibility...

Maybe it wasn't Alien Abduction but instead...

Alien Intervention...

Maybe The Aliens weren't interested in abducting the plane or the passengers, (been there, done that) but instead they sent it on that course as an experiment to see how the Terrans would deal with this sort of a puzzle...perhaps to test the level of our detection and analysis technologies...


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Re: Strange Plane Disappearance...

Post by Lord Jim »

And the worm turns again:
New objects sighted as Flight 370 search shifts dramatically

(CNN) -- Forget all those satellite photos showing promising patches of debris. The search for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has moved again.

In a stunning turn, Australian authorities announced Friday they were abandoning the remote region of Indian Ocean where search crews had spent more than a week looking for the plane. A new analysis of satellite data showed the plane could not have flown that far south, they said.

"We have moved on from those search areas," said John Young, general manager of emergency response for the Australian maritime authority.

The new zone is 680 miles (about 1,100 kilometers) to the northeast, closer to the Australian coast.

In what could be a sign the search is on the right track, or possibly yet another letdown, the agency said five of the 10 planes dispatched to the new search zone had spotted objects in the waters below. Crews took photographs of the objects, and those images will be analyzed overnight, the authority said.

"The objects cannot be verified or discounted as being from MH370 until they are relocated and recovered by ships," the authority said in a statement.

CNN's Kyung Lah, who went out on a U.S. Navy P-8 search plane Friday, said the crew of that plane spotted white objects, orange rope and a blue bag.

"At one point, sure, everybody on board got a little excited, but it's impossible to tell from that distance what anything is," she said.

Exactly what the planes had found was unclear, but if the finds turn out to be something other than plane debris, it would not be the first time.[or the second, or the third, or the twelfth] ... nes-plane/

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Re: Strange Plane Disappearance...

Post by Joe Guy »

I found a radio show called 'Coast to Coast' recently with a man named George Nori as host. I didn't get his guest's name but the guy said that the CIA took control of the missing airplane and they know where it is but they're not telling us.

Maybe his name was 'Steve'. I don't remember... :?

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Re: Strange Plane Disappearance...

Post by RayThom »

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Re: Strange Plane Disappearance...

Post by Lord Jim »

They're finding more "debris" in the new location..

Because there's well, more debris to be found in a more heavily trafficked sea lane...(so far none of the debris can be connected to the plane...)

Another really unfortunate aspect to this, is that even if they recover the "black boxes", half of it may be totally useless...

While the "flight recorder" (that will let us know the flight information; including the trajectory, flight speed and altitude of the plane) the "cockpit voice recorder" is designed to only record the final two hours of the aircraft's journey...

Which 99.99% of the time, will give an accurate explanation of what was going on in the cockpit prior to the crash...

Unfortunately, this crash falls into the .01% category...

It's entirely possible, (indeed likely) that the last two hours of the cockpit voice recorder for this flight will have nothing on it...

If the person who made the second turn towards the South Indian Ocean committed suicide, or knocked himself out, or decided to hang out in the passenger cabin until the plane ditched, there won't be one word on the cockpit voice recorder... :?

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Post by RayThom »

I'm just waiting for the media to eventually tell me something relevant -- be it tomorrow or two years from now. Until then it's far beyond all speculation.
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Re: Strange Plane Disappearance...

Post by Guinevere »

Could the Malaysian authorities look any more bumbling?

from today:
On Monday, Malaysia's Transport Ministry said the final voice transmission from the cockpit of Flight 370 was "Good night Malaysian three seven zero."

That's a departure from earlier language in which Malaysian authorities said the final transmission was "All right, goodnight."

The new language is routine and is not a sign of anything untoward occurring aboard the flight, said CNN aviation analyst Mary Schiavo.

But she said it does raise questions about how Malaysian officials have handled the investigation.

"Well, it speaks to credibility issues, unfortunately," she said.
Ya think?
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Re: Strange Plane Disappearance...

Post by dgs49 »

Cabin depressurization could have been a painless way of suicide. From what I understand you just go to sleep and don't wake up. It would explain the hours of radio silence.

I am SO looking forward to 20 years of "The Mystery of Flight MH370," late night television programs.

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Re: Strange Plane Disappearance...

Post by Grim Reaper »

It took about two years to find the black box for Air France Flight 447 and that was with having found some of the wreckage so they had some idea of where to look.

It's just strange that we haven't found a single thing so far with MH370.

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Re: Strange Plane Disappearance...

Post by Lord Jim »

Report: Chinese ship hears pulse signal in south Indian Ocean

(CNN) -- A Chinese patrol ship looking for signs of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 in the southern Indian Ocean discovered Saturday a pulse signal with a frequency of 37.5 kHz, state news agency Xinhua reported.

"That is the standard beacon frequency" for both so-called black boxes -- the cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder, said Anish Patel, president of pinger manufacturer Dukane Seacom.

"They're identical."
This could be something, or it could be just yet another dead end...

I was watching an expert on this stuff being interviewed on CNN a few minutes ago, and apparently there are lots of things that give off locator signals in the oceans, (numerous scientific and military projects). And while the 37.5 kHz matches the beacon frequency for commercial aircraft black boxes, it's also a frequency used for a lot of other things...

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AND... And... and...

Post by RayThom »

If my aunt had testicles she'd be my uncle.

I can't get through the day without hearing at least two diametrically opposed stories/tales/theories about this mystery.

Scientists who work at Edwards AFB swear 370 is being hidden in a secret underground hangar in Area 51 and big-headed, midgets in silver spandex are blasting it with neutronic alpha particle cannons. Passengers and crew are being housed in what the community sarcastically refers to as "Hotel California."
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Re: Strange Plane Disappearance...

Post by Joe Guy »

Okay RayThom,

The fact that you made your previous post at exactly 9:11 PDT didn't get by me. Moreover, don't think you're fooling anybody by pretending you had nothing to do with the missing plane.

As a great leader of the free world once proclaimed: "fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

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Post by RayThom »

Joe Guy wrote:Okay RayThom, As a great leader of the free world once proclaimed: "fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."
I, too, am a big Roger Daltrey & The Who fan. Lately, however, they seem to be misunderestimated.
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Re: Strange Plane Disappearance...

Post by Lord Jim »

Exclusive: MH370 Pilot Flew a Suicide Route on His Home Simulator Closely Matching Final Flight

New York has obtained a confidential document from the Malaysian police investigation into the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 that shows that the plane’s captain, Zaharie Ahmad Shah, conducted a simulated flight deep into the remote southern Indian Ocean less than a month before the plane vanished under uncannily similar circumstances. The revelation, which Malaysia withheld from a lengthy public report on the investigation, is the strongest evidence yet that Zaharie made off with the plane in a premeditated act of mass murder-suicide.

The document presents the findings of the Malaysian police’s investigation into Zaharie. It reveals that after the plane disappeared in March of 2014, Malaysia turned over to the FBI hard drives that Zaharie used to record sessions on an elaborate home-built flight simulator. The FBI was able to recover six deleted data points that had been stored by the Microsoft Flight Simulator X program in the weeks before MH370 disappeared, according to the document. Each point records the airplane’s altitude, speed, direction of flight, and other key parameters at a given moment. The document reads, in part:
Based on the Forensics Analysis conducted on the 5 HDDs obtained from the Flight Simulator from MH370 Pilot’s house, we found a flight path, that lead to the Southern Indian Ocean, among the numerous other flight paths charted on the Flight Simulator, that could be of interest, as contained in Table 2.
Taken together, these points show a flight that departs Kuala Lumpur, heads northwest over the Malacca Strait, then turns left and heads south over the Indian Ocean, continuing until fuel exhaustion over an empty stretch of sea.

From the beginning, Zaharie has been a primary suspect, but until now no hard evidence implicating him has emerged.[ Because the Malaysian government has been suppressing it.]The “Factual Information” report states, “The Captain’s ability to handle stress at work and home was good. There was no known history of apathy, anxiety, or irritability. There were no significant changes in his life style, interpersonal conflict or family stresses.” After his disappearance, friends and family members came forward to described Zaharie as an affable, helpful family man who enjoyed making instructional YouTube videos for home DIY projects — hardly the typical profile of a mass murderer.

The newly unveiled documents, however, suggest Malaysian officials have suppressed at least one key piece of incriminating information.[no shit] This is not entirely surprising: There is a history in aircraft investigations of national safety boards refusing to believe that their pilots could have intentionally crashed an aircraft full of passengers. After EgyptAir 990 went down near Martha’s Vineyard in 1999, for example, Egyptian officials angrily rejected the U.S. National Transport Safety Board finding that the pilot had deliberately steered the plane into the sea. Indonesian officials likewise rejected the NTSB finding that the 1997 crash of SilkAir 185 was an act of pilot suicide.
More of the article here: ... lator.html

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