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Re: hey meade....

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2024 7:21 pm
by Big RR
wes--there is no collective you--everyone on the board is an individual who posts and responds as (s)he sees fit. Again, it is an open board and people can post as they choose, but when you seek to be a provocateur as Liberty and you have, captioning the post with provocative titles, why cry when some respond int he same vein? Liberty is not a whipping boy (nor are you for that matter), but you get back from some pretty much what you put into it. Sure some of the posters push back with a vengeance, but when you go into the sandbox, you don't get a free pass. and if you really maintain that neither of you has purposely tried to be provocative, you are only kidding yourself. Again, it doesn't matter to me what you post or how you state it. I respond to issues when I see fit, and generally avoid the bullshit that comes up, especially when it is racist--or have you forgotten your posts "Black Women are so corrupt in government" or "moslems are evil hateful bastards"; and you have the audacity to claim you're being picked on when people call you on it with some invective? I try to avoid posts like that as a rule, others do not. But, like you. they are free to post whatever they choose.

But back to the original premise of this post, I don't see how you can claim posts like that are a "breath of fresh air"; to me they're just pure shit and stink like it. I'll pay attention when you post civilly and address a subject I choose to comment on, but I avoid those posts like the plague.

Re: hey meade....

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2024 8:20 pm
by wesw
oik, i have only read the first sentence of your post

perhaps that is not large enough sample to enable me to make a valid comment.

that may be true...

... however i am older and not as nimble, mentally, as i once was...

yeah, i think of ya ll as a collective you

i can t think of the right term, it is on the tip of my tongue.....

the closest i can come up with at the moment is a circle jerk.

i really thank you for talking to me and i will certainly try to refrain from name calling

a bubble, maybe that is close, a bubble

your side, the board s side may be wrong

jeez, i may be wrong

this a onesided forum

so i will say you, and think it proper

man, that was just from reading your first sentence.....

must ve been a good sentence

i apreciate you engaging in reasonable conversation

i will read the rest of your post later, i am a half pint in right now.....

it is 70+ dgrees in january and i m going back outside

Re: hey meade....

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2024 8:56 pm
by Big RR
See wes, that's where we disagree; what you are characterizing as a "collective" is far from homogeneous; I think we run the gamut from moderate to left of center, to physicals conservative/social liberal; to traditional liberal, to socialist, with a smattering of civil libertarians. We are hardly monolithic. Yes, we do not have many that I would call conservative on this board, but we are open to their contribution and have engaged in dialog with many of them (Lord Jim, a Reagan republican comes to mind). It can get heated, but no one is ever run off the the board. Some leave, but it is not the politics that make them leave; the point of this board is open discussion, and if one leaves, then perhaps that person didn't want that. Sure, most here cannot stand Trump, but if you want to post that he is the best candidate, be prepared to defend it--whether 1 or 20 people reply. That's not a circle jerk, it i an exchange of ideas, punches are never pulled, not should they be.

Re: hey meade....

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2024 10:48 pm
by Bicycle Bill
Big RR wrote:
Fri Jan 26, 2024 7:21 pm
But back to the original premise of this post, I don't see how you can claim posts like that are a "breath of fresh air"; to me they're just pure shit and stink like it.
Nah, they're not even that, RR.   Shit is a natural fertilizer and in appropriate quantities is actually useful.   wesw's "breath of fresh air" is nothing more than an anal exhalation ... a phantom turd that is all show and no substance, and actually does nobody any good.

Re: hey meade....

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2024 6:50 am
by MajGenl.Meade
hey wes. Part of your confusion may be that you equate the almost universal detestation of Trump with some kind of lock-step liberal group-think. That's not the case. I vote Democrat when the other choice is Trump (or any of his arse-licking toadies and their ilk). And I do that because Trump/toads are neither conservative nor liberal - they are a clear and peasant danger to the Republic for which they stain.

The general tenor here is a wider acceptance of societal behaviors than is typical of a "conservative". There's a tendency toward atheism, agnosticism and Big RR's fence-post but that, to me, is a sign of health and not a malady. I'd far rather have these people living next door than folks who exhibit racism, sexism and just plain stupidity promoted as somehow "conservative". (Not that some or any would want me as a neighbor).

Please don't assume that I believe you and lib to be racist, sexist and/or stupid. Just bear in mind that those who post racist, sexist and asinine statements have no grounds for complaint when others see that as a reliable guide to character. We are what our words say we are

Re: hey meade....

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2024 5:00 pm
by wesw
the white south africans could use a bit of christian fellowship at the moment

don t you agree?

the current south africa is the future america

have you ever heard of a fellow called K-9 Reaper?

may you should check out ... future conflict channel....on youtube....

god forbid you learn something outside of your high filuting bubble

your white guilt fuels white hatred

you promote racism thru your mamby pamby globalist altruism

do you support lula in brazil?

you are not a conservative

neither am i

you are a globalist neo con, in my view

no better or worse than liz cheney or mitt romney

you may be an american citizen but you are british thru and thru

you think you are superior but dare not admit it

at least the chinese commies admit they better than everyone

the brits just imply and deny

you have fought so many wars that most of the good men have died and you wish the same upon america

i am anti war

so i guess that you are right i am certainly no conservative

but if we must go to war i think that the commonwealth should be the first attacked

canada should be saved first and then perhaps britain, tho you may be beyond saving

Re: hey meade....

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2024 6:02 pm
by wesw

i disargee

you are a collective you here

if you ll pardon my french...,

a circle jerk

lib is your whipping boy and i am your boogieman

i don t know why lib remains here, tho i am curious

maybe he is a fed

Re: hey meade....

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2024 6:07 pm
by wesw
either way, if lib and i leave this board it is just masturabatory

you are welcome

anyway i am gone, unless lib wants to talk about something i see no point in feeding you alls self hatred

you won t have dick nixon to kick around anymore....,

and you will fade into obscurity, and irrelevance

yeah , i know...., too late....

i will scroll for a bit and see if lib wants to discuss anything

other than that..., well...

....i tried....

Re: hey meade....

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2024 6:18 pm
by wesw
when was the last time you but so much effort and thought into your posts?

when have you cared more, recently

who has stirred you to stand for anything?

me, RR, it is Me

you are welcome

awaken old bear, spring is coming....

you can taste the the fresh air

the daffodils spring up once again....

...and you are alive

the roses will soon bloom, breathe their perfume and admire the miracle that is life

Re: hey meade....

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2024 6:20 pm
by wesw
...and don t forget to go fuck yourself

then you can really smell shit

Re: hey meade....

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2024 9:27 pm
by wesw
tommy tommy tommy tommy...

yeah meade

will you condemn the dirty paki rape gangs in your own country?

how will you show your face in Telford?

you won t

you will only be a white degenerate standing up for the dirty muslim rapists

how will our christ judge you?

as a bloody muslim apologist

no better than the bloody muslim rapists

shame you dirty christian

shame on you

waste your worthless time condemning me and let oyur people fall to the devil

fuck you

you self righteous piece of shit

smell that RR smell it you cunt

fuck you

how dare you judge me, you cunts

stand for the orrible rapists

stand for biden

stand for satan

fuck you and fuck politeness

fuck you fuck you all

Re: hey meade....

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 5:27 am
by Big RR
OK wes, all I can say is don't let the door hit you in the ass as you leave; I try to spend some time and engage you in a discussion, and I see where it ends up. Do whatever you want, I won't waste my time anymore. As Steam says, Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah, Hey Hey, Goodbye!

Re: hey meade....

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 12:36 pm
by MajGenl.Meade
Yes. I am superior to a foul-mouthed abuser. You are welcome to go forth and fornicate.


Re: hey meade....

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 2:32 pm
by Big RR
Too late Meade; he's supposedly gone. And ust when we needed a breath of fresh air. :lol:

Re: hey meade....

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 2:42 pm
by BoSoxGal
Here's your wesw-themed breath of 'fresh' air


Re: hey meade....

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2024 10:27 pm
by liberty
Wes, if they’re using me as a whipping boy, they must be using a wet noodle; because I don’t feel anything. Nothing anyone here has ever said has ever bothered me. I see Shit Head as a special class, because even though his words don’t hurt me his intent is disgusting. He calls me Village idiot not because he thinks I am, but because he knows my son has Down syndrome. He tries to hurt me by attacking my son clandestinely. What kind of personality is that? A sociopathic personality the same as the Mexican drug lord that kidnapped, raped, tortured, and threw his enemies children off a high bridge and sent the father the video. You people can’t see it; he even advertises it with his avatar, but you all are blind.

Re: hey meade....

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2024 10:46 pm
by Scooter
The Village Idiot wrote:
Sat Feb 03, 2024 10:27 pm
He calls me Village idiot not because he thinks I am, but because he knows my son has Down syndrome.
Ah, sorry cupcake, but you earned that title completely on your own merits. The fact that you are too much of a moron to see it only proves the point.