Okay, I'm Prepared To Admit It....

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Lord Jim
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Okay, I'm Prepared To Admit It....

Post by Lord Jim »

Sarah Palin is a complete imbecile....

Interviewed by Fox New's Chris Wallace yesterday, she said a series of things so stunningly, breathtakingly stupid, that she has carved out a special place for herself in the history of stupidity....On The Mount Rushmore of Stupidity, her visage will figure prominently....

I think that interview may very well mark the beginning of the end for the former Governor of Alaska.....She completely self-destructed on national television, much like the Junior Senator from Wisconsin did, fifty years ago....

Where to begin....
WALLACE: OK. You have endorsed more than 50 candidates, a lot of them in competitive primaries, who are going to be on the ballot on

November 2nd. Many of them are running very strong races, but I want to talk to you about two who some would say are not.

In the Delaware Senate race, your candidate, Christine O'Donnell, has turned what looked like a sure Republican pickup into a likely loss. In the Alaska Senate race, your candidate, Joe Miller, is in free-fall when it turned out that he misused government computers and lied...

PALIN: Because -- because...

WALLACE: ... and lied about it. Let me finish my question.

PALIN: OK. All right. Well, hurry up, then, because I have a lot to say, so...

WALLACE: OK. But haven't some of your tea party endorsees, your tea party candidates, shown they're not ready for prime time?

PALIN: Oh, that's -- OK. First, with Christine O'Donnell, when given a choice, "Why in the world would I have supported the liberal, the RINO, the pro-cap-and-tax, wishy-washy..."[Mike Castle voted against the MOAP, and against The Healthcare Bill]

WALLACE: Mike Castle?

PALIN: "... on "Obamacare" Mike Castle if given a choice?" Of course I'm going to support the conservative in that. So you know, there again...


WALLACE: But what if she loses?

PALIN: Well, who was going to guarantee that Castle was going to win anyway? As you're saying, it's a blue state. It's a liberal state. [Earth to Palin: Castle was leading Coons by 20 points in the polls, and has been elected state-wide as Delaware's sole Congressman seven times] So given the choice, yeah, give it the old college try and allow the conservative in the race to have the message, the voice heard.
Then it got really strange:
Miller on Thursday -- it was revealed -- and we have the tape that proves it -- that the CBS reporters, the affiliate in Alaska, conspired to make up stories about Joe Miller.

Palin: We have the tape, Chris, [I can hardly wait to hear this "tape"...Where's the "tape" Sarah?] and I can't wait till it busts out all over the nation to show what it is that we -- kind of what I put up with for two years now with the media -- but what Joe Miller is faced with in dealing with somebody who feels -- Lisa Murkowski -- so entitled to that seat that she and some of her people, including some complicits in the media, will do anything. They will stop at nothing...

WALLACE: You're saying -- you're saying -- wait a minute. You're saying...

PALIN: ... to allow Lisa Murkowski to get back elected.

WALLACE: ... and I must say, you're bringing this story -- you're saying that local reporters in Alaska conspired with the Murkowski campaign to put out false information...

PALIN: I am saying...

WALLACE: ... about Joe Miller?

PALIN: I am saying -- and we have it on tape -- that CBS reporters of -- in the affiliate up there in Alaska on tape are saying, Let's find a child molester in the crowd as a supporter for Joe Miller. Let's blast that. Let's concoct a Ron Paul moment there, [WHAT is she talking about?] let's find any kind of chaos so that we can tweet an alert saying, ooh, there is chaos.

Joe Miller got punched, or by -- that's sick.
Okie dokey.....

And I found this really offensive:
WALLACE: Karl Rove...

PALIN: Yeah.

WALLACE: ... said the other day you did a great job as the vice presidential candidate in '08 -- you know where I'm going to go with this. But he added this, and let's put it up on the screen, "With all due candor, appearing on your own reality show on Discovery Channel" -- he had that wrong -- "I am not certain how that fits in the American calculus of 'that helps me see you in the Oval Office.' There are high standards that the American people have for it, the presidency, and they require a certain level of gravitas."

PALIN: You know, I agree with that, that those standards have to be high for someone who would ever want to run for president, like, umm, wasn't Ronald Reagan an actor? Wasn't he in Bedtime for Bonzo, Bozo?

So that Ronald Reagan was an actor.
No Mrs. Palin, "that Ronald Reagan" served eight years as Governor of the most populous state in the union before being elevated to the Presidency; please do not compare yourself and your half term as Governor of Alaska to the record of The Gipper....

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Re: Okay, I'm Prepared To Admit It....

Post by Big RR »

Took you long enough...

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Re: Okay, I'm Prepared To Admit It....

Post by Guinevere »

And it only took you, what, 2 1/2 years? Sheesh.
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Re: Okay, I'm Prepared To Admit It....

Post by Crackpot »

at least for the compliete imbicile designation
Okay... There's all kinds of things wrong with what you just said.

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Re: Okay, I'm Prepared To Admit It....

Post by Gob »

I think she's a fine representation of all I find hysterically funny in American politics
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Re: Okay, I'm Prepared To Admit It....

Post by tyro »

Lets face it, it was the slur aimed at Ronald Reagan that crossed Jim’s line.

That was far worse than if she had merely swooned over her collection of Leonard Cohen music.
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Re: Okay, I'm Prepared To Admit It....

Post by Joe Guy »

The fact that anyone takes anything seriously that Sarah Palin has said about any subject should be enough to make anyone who is paying attention very worried about the current state of a high percentage of American people's brains.

We had a President who couldn't speak English for eight years. Of course, that's semi-understandable since he is from Texas.

But now we have an ex-governor of Alaska who is idolized, defended and accepted as as spokesperson for Americans by way too many people.

I guess one should never underestimate the level of stupidity of a much too large amount of people in this country.

But, of course, accepting the level of stupidity that exists explains quite a bit about our current state of affairs.

It's the MOTU's fault, no doubt.

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Re: Okay, I'm Prepared To Admit It....

Post by Gob »

Joe Guy wrote: I guess one should never underestimate the level of stupidity of a much too large amount of people in this country.
Some of us never have mate ... :nana :lol:
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Re: Okay, I'm Prepared To Admit It....

Post by Lord Jim »

Did I happen to mention....


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Re: Okay, I'm Prepared To Admit It....

Post by dgs49 »

Jim, you're prepared to admit it?

You've done nothing but ridicule and belittle Sarah Palin from the day she was identified as a possible running mate for McCain.

Who are you trying to kid?

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Re: Okay, I'm Prepared To Admit It....

Post by Lord Jim »

You've done nothing but ridicule and belittle Sarah Palin from the day she was identified as a possible running mate for McCain.
Bull shit, Dave.

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Re: Okay, I'm Prepared To Admit It....

Post by Andrew D »

Lord Jim wrote:No Mrs. Palin, "that Ronald Reagan" served eight years as Governor of the most populous state in the union before being elevated to the Presidency; please do not compare yourself and your half term as Governor of Alaska to the record of The Gipper....

Don't you dare. You're just a pathetic little pipsqueak. You've never managed to corrupt America anywhere near as much as Ronald the Felon did.

How dare you presume to come anywhere near Reagan? You've done very little that has actually sent America down the shitter. Reagan did far more than you ever have.

You're just a little whining bitch on the outskirts of American politics. Reagan got all the way to the top and subverted the Constitution in ways you've never even dreamed of.

Reagan perverted the executive branch of the US government into a tool for violating US law and subverting the US Constitution. Unless America takes a back-flip into ignorance and stupidity -- which is possible; just look at the results of this year's elections -- you haven't got a prayer.

Don't sully our saint, Palin. We revere him because he was such a successful criminal. Not for lack of trying, but you still haven't come even close.
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Re: Okay, I'm Prepared To Admit It....

Post by BoSoxGal »


Brilliant, Andrew D! :ok
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Re: Okay, I'm Prepared To Admit It....

Post by loCAtek »

Jim, maybe you can ask around your circle of big mucky-mucks: What was McCain thinking!? Why did he choose her?

Palin was obviously the nail in his campaign's coffin. When repeatedly asked about his decision, he usually waffled about how he believed in her, but never really answer the question, 'Why?'

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Re: Okay, I'm Prepared To Admit It....

Post by Lord Jim »


Don't you dare. You're just a pathetic little pipsqueak. You've never managed to corrupt America anywhere near as much as Ronald the Felon did.
You really have an enormous amount of bitterness towards the man who won the Cold War, don't you?
Last edited by Lord Jim on Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:42 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Okay, I'm Prepared To Admit It....

Post by @meric@nwom@n »

http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/11/ ... ml?tag=pop
"My observation of Sarah Palin," says CBS News political analyst Nicolle Wallace, "is that she is one of the shrewdest political figures in our country at this moment. She's also one of the most electric."
I have to go bang my head on the wall now.

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Re: Okay, I'm Prepared To Admit It....

Post by Lord Jim »

she is one of the shrewdest political figures in our country at this moment.
That's probably true; and it speaks very poorly for where we are headed as a country.....

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Re: Okay, I'm Prepared To Admit It....

Post by Scooter »

Lord Jim wrote:You really have an enormous amount of bitterness towards the man who won Cold War, don't you?
Vladimir Putin?
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Re: Okay, I'm Prepared To Admit It....

Post by Gob »

@meric@nwom@n wrote:http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/11/ ... ml?tag=pop
"My observation of Sarah Palin," says CBS News political analyst Nicolle Wallace, "is that she is one of the shrewdest political figures in our country at this moment. She's also one of the most electric."
I have to go bang my head on the wall now.
Misspellings abound there; "My observation of Sarah Palin," says CBS News political analyst Nicolle Wallace, "is that she is one of the shrewish political figures in our country at this moment. She's also one of the most eccentric."
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Re: Okay, I'm Prepared To Admit It....

Post by Andrew D »

Lord Jim wrote:

Don't you dare. You're just a pathetic little pipsqueak. You've never managed to corrupt America anywhere near as much as Ronald the Felon did.
You really have an enormous amount of bitterness towards the man who won the Cold War, don't you?
Nope. Not even the tiniest bit.

I have a great deal of bitterness towards the "man" who devoted his presidency to subverting the Constitution. I share that bitterness with all other Americans who do not wish to see the Constitution subverted.

You can claim all you want that Reagan the Felon "won the Cold War". That claim will always be false. And its incontrovertible falsity will never matter to you.
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