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Mission Democracy

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2023 9:13 pm
by BoSoxGal

Calling it what it is - fascism.

Please share with your friends if you will.

Re: Mission Democracy

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 3:43 pm
And the saddest fucking thing is that the democrats are, at the roots, no better and are offering nothing better than that (also)scandal ridden, doddering old fool for reelection.

We are royally screwed.

Re: Mission Democracy

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 8:25 pm
by Big RR
@W, I have to disagree; I am no fan or defender of Biden, and if he hs done some inappropriate things he deserves to bear the consequences, but there is no comparison between what he is being accused of and what Trump has done in trying to attack the very essence of our electoral process (I don't buy that the Jan 6 events were truly an "Insurrection", although the participants deserve what they get, but his strong-arming of state election boards to flip the results are damn dangerous). The democrats are likely bad in some areas, but clearly better than Trump and those who fall in lock step with him.

Re: Mission Democracy

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 10:18 pm
by BoSoxGal
In general I agree that all of politics is corrupt to one degree or another. John Cusack went on a rant on Twitter this week (look it up) in response to a Jacobin article that asserts Neal Katyal (my former law professor) is working with certain Democrats to outlaw a wealth tax to protect the rich. Cusack points to the neoliberal Democrats and accuses them of selling out the working class for decades (true) and thus setting the foundation for the rise of fascism (also true).

Now Biden is better for the working class than most any other Democrats of this century (Bernie is better) and only a few in the last century were really looking out for the working class. So there is always always room for improvement.

Except if MAGA comes back in 2024 and Trump takes the WH back. Then there won’t be anymore room for improvement because this country will cease to be a democracy. Surely nobody (except maybe liberty) doubts that? Trump has nothing but utter disdain for the Constitution. Party’s over in 2024 if we don’t repudiate the rising fascists.

Re: Mission Democracy

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 1:00 pm
by Big RR
The saddest thing, BSG is that we are increasingly pushed into groups that view each other with suspicion or disdain. The working man cannot succeed if immigrants are allowed in; whites cannot succeed if blacks are allowed to, ... Men, women, black, white, white collar, blue collar, we all need to be a part of a group so we can blame others for our problems; at least that is what we are told. And key among the provocateurs are Trump and his ilk. It is the essence of fascism, and it has worked for years. i recall in college the discussion of proletariat vs the bourgeoisie. IMHO, I think humans need to be in groups that exclude others, and gravitate toward the fascists because of that. It is a problem, and the only way to avoid it is to look beyond our provincial interests, however we define our province, and embrace a broader view. Life is not, and should not be viewed as, a zero sum game. We can all succeed if we are willing to share, but sadly we hav been taught that this is the wrong way to progress.

Re: Mission Democracy

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 4:05 pm
by BoSoxGal
Yes it is very disheartening to have lived most of a lifetime and realize that everything old is new again. I have faint memories of being idealistic and full of passion for the future and a better world. In some ways there has been definite progress in my lifetime, but in agonizingly small increments. And those positive changes are really just distractions from the stupefying inequality that has come about in our lifetimes - yes the base living standard may be better, but the wealth disparities today put the gilded age to shame. And the same old tricks pitting identity groups against one another while the obscenely wealthy point and laugh are still working. For all our glory and achievements, we are still just clever monkeys ruled by our amygdalae, some more than others.

Re: Mission Democracy

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 8:56 pm
by Burning Petard
Congress critters have two constitutional jobs: declare war and pass a budget. They have not done either in more than thirty years. Why do we pay them at all?
