Internet Advertising

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Internet Advertising

Post by dgs49 »

I am sore conflicted with the phenomenon of internet advertising.

The internet is a wonderful tool and source of amusement that basically costs nothing, and that fact is largely due to the advertising that is sold. So in a sense one must not complain about the constant exposure to images and sounds trying to sell you stuff and services.

In fact, I do pay attention to a lot of them, and have occasionally made impulse purchases based on something I saw.

But there are some advertising methods that are worthy of scorn.

The ads that blot out the rest of the screen, and won't allow you to toggle past them until they are fully shown.

The ads that produce noise involuntarily.

And my own pet peeve...I often click on the "stories" that are linked at the end of a page promising some number of interesting images ("See Ten Hollywood Stars with Braided Armpit Hair!").

Well, you click on the link and the first, introductory, picture comes up on your screen, and you have to scroll through to see the others in turn.

But there is INVARIABLY some ad below the picture that features a right-pointing arrow which is a link to the rest of their ad. They are OBVIOUSLY HOPING THAT YOU WILL BE TRICKED INTO CLICKING THEIR LINK, thinking that it is the link to the remaining images on the thread.

I don't understand the thought process for those advertisers. Don't they realize that when people see it is nothing but an extended advertisement, they will be pissed off? That is, less likely than ever to purchase their product or service?

Ad men. Sheesh.

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