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The governor of New York has been abducted

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2024 3:51 am
by liberty
The governor of New York has been abducted and replaced with a space alien that’s the only obvious conclusion to make. I’ve recently heard that the governor sent the National Guard into the subway system of New York City to help provide order. That’s not what liberals do. If you have to ride the subway system," it’s up to you to protect yourself without a weapon; If you are not big enough to beat off an attacker you deserve a beating or raping." Liberals don’t believe in fixing problems they believe in politically exploiting problems. They only care about power; the people can rot as far as they’re concerned. "To flood the NYC subway system with National Guard and other security personnel is a violation of the Constitution it denies the mugger the right to make a living and the rapist his freedom to practice his hobby." ACLU

Re: The governor of New York has been abducted

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2024 3:58 am
by Joe Guy
You sure know a lot about how liberals think. There's only one possible explanation.

You're a closet gay man.

Re: The governor of New York has been abducted

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2024 4:26 am
by liberty
Joe Guy wrote:
Fri Mar 08, 2024 3:58 am
You sure know a lot about how liberals think. There's only one possible explanation.

You're a closet gay man.
If I was, I would tell you. The same' if I was a racist, a communist or, an atheist. Things that I believe in I tend to share. If I believed in any of those things I would advocate for them. I've been called a homophobe for example, but that's crap. I just happened to be, as far as sex is concerned, the most tolerant person on this site. I wouldn't care if Shit Head had regular sex with a goat if the goat was having a good time, or at least wasn't protesting. The same goes for everything else, I have no problem with sharing.

Since I am a Christian and the subject did come up, I reckon I have to say this; according to the Bible homosexuality is a perversion; it is definitely a deviation for the norm. How can anybody say it's not?

Re: The governor of New York has been abducted

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2024 4:51 am
by Burning Petard
Well, according to the bible (Galatians 3:27-28) There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.


Re: The governor of New York has been abducted

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2024 2:34 pm
by Big RR
FWIW lib, I think liberal and conservative governors have used the national guard for humanitarian purposes and to restore orrder. provide security, in significant emergencies; but remember, the Guard is under the jurisdiction of the governor who is in a good position to understand the needs of the state; that's why we have a Nzational Guard. What they don't want is federal interference or reserve troops being sent in a a president thinking he knows better what is needed.