Trancers: Because fuck causality

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Trancers: Because fuck causality

Post by Crackpot »

So one of the things i’ve been doing is whenever I remember a movie from my youth is if not available on Netflix look it up on amazon and see if I can get a blu-ray of DVD of it. Because of this I have run across some gems that stand the test of time and some that don’t and others that only make sense as a product of thier time.

Incidentally this is how I get most of the clues for the Name that Movie thread.

Which brings is to the Trancers franchise . I remember coming across this series while watching late night cable and I remember the series being good enough to distract me from doing what teenaged boys used late night cable for in those days. So When I Saw the “Ultimate Deth Collection” for sale I went for it.

I was going to give a plot synopsis but this being a time travel film ends up being a bit convoluted and due to the movie itself is poor my defined. The “Trancers” themselves being seemingly average people until “triggered” at which point they become stronger but slower an completely under control of “the bad guy” The bad guy makes it into the past where he starts killing off the precedents of the futures VIPs. Which causes said VIPs to cease to exist but not from had ever existing. (Hence the title of the thread).

The strange things is, the series, (at least the first few films) have a remarkably consistent narrative except for the fact that it ignores any of the issues generally brought up in a time travel tale which in and of itself is oddly refreshing in its complete disregard of the theory of causality.

At this point I don’t know if this thread even has a point other as a catalog of my thoughts as I rewatch these movies.
Okay... There's all kinds of things wrong with what you just said.

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