Ken Jennings, go to hell, you son of a bitch

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Bicycle Bill
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Re: Ken Jennings, go to hell, you son of a bitch

Post by Bicycle Bill »

Just for the record, in case anyone wants to know, I am not personally attacking BSG on this board.  I don't her from Adam's cat, and I'm perfectly content to keep it that way.

I AM taking shots, as it were, at her hyper-sanctimonious attitude and her super-egotism that tends to display itself every time she posts something, as if she was the final arbiter, the super-Supreme Court of the board, and her decision, opinions, and declarations were not to be contested in any way, shape, or form.  If I had a dollar for every time she has not-so-casually dropped references to her esteemed (?) legal career, I could probably live comfortably for the remainder of my life.

I also find it mildly amusing that, for all her claims of her legal acumen and prowess, that her standard go-to when someone DOES stand up to her is not to debate the issue, not to argue the facts, not to attempt to prove her points, but to suggest that they perform auto-intercourse upon themselves.  Or put them on 'ignore' — the cyber-equivalent of sticking both fingers in her ears and going "la-la-la-la-la-la-can't-hear-you!", like a spoiled little four-year-old.

And then I find it positively mind-boggling that she attempts to justify her misogynistic, man-hating screeds by claiming this is her unfiltered self, or by trotting out all the alleged horrors she has seen (and frankly, unless you've been in combat or worked as an EMT or ER nurse, I don't think you've seen jack shit) or the medical and mental things that are affecting her and expects everyone to accept her, flawed as she is, when she will not extend that courtesy to anyone else.

Now, I realize that she most likely won't see this (unless someone directs her attention to it — see the 'fingers in the ears' metaphor above), but for the benefit of the rest of you, I feel that I have as much right to explain myself as she does.
Yes, I suppose I could agree with you ... but then we'd both be wrong, wouldn't we?

ex-khobar Andy
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Re: Ken Jennings, go to hell, you son of a bitch

Post by ex-khobar Andy »

I have no idea how a thread, originally about lib's distaste for Ken Jennings (about whom I know nothing except that he was very successful at a trivial TV game) morphed into a discussion of police malfeasance, BSG's attitude on this board and Lord knows what else. Maybe I should post my latest Wordle scores . . .

Anyway on the subject of police conduct. Usually this wishy washy liberal wants to post something about how most cops just want to protect and serve and most of them have never pulled their weapon in anger and general they are all Mommy's boys. A few bad apples get the rest of them a bad name.

And then I read something like this in the NYT.. Basically a young black transgender woman was arrested in Atlanta for jaywalking. Assuming for the purposes of this she was in fact jaywalking. Really - you can be arrested for that? And the two cops decided that the 'stress ball' she was carrying contained cocaine. (I had to look up stress ball on Amazon. $10 or thereabouts, close to tennis ball in size, filled with some sort of gel.). So she was slung into jail and because she could not make the $25K bail. The contents of the ball were tested back at the cop shop and were apparently negative on the screening test. It took the Georgia Bureau of Investigation a further 5 weeks to determine that the contents were innocuous and generally what you expect to find inside a stress ball. Nevertheless it was another five months or so before she was released from jail. She sued the city and was awarded $1.5 million.

The two cops are still employed and presumably getting paid and accruing a pension.

I still believe in the 'few bad apples' theory. My interactions with the cops have generally been good (I'm white) apart for that time a London copper put me in a headlock while his mate ripped my jacket - I did think I looked cool in that jacket but I probably deserved it. Oh and the Indiana traffic cop who was trying to make his quota on the last day of the month and booked me and my out-of-state plates for being 22 mph over the limit. I was certainly doing more than the posted 30 but never even close to 52 which bumped it up to a higher level fine.). Well mostly good. But that story from Atlanta makes my blood boil. Jaywalking and some cop's idiot theory gets you six months in jail? And then the citizens of Atlanta have to find $1.5 million because you are shockingly incompetent at your job, let alone the possible racist and transphobic attitudes displayed? Aaaargh.

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Bicycle Bill
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Re: Ken Jennings, go to hell, you son of a bitch

Post by Bicycle Bill »

X-KA, as a twenty-something passing through Columbus, Ohio back in 1976 or 77, I once got stopped and issued a citation for 'disregarding a traffic control device'.  My offense?  I was on foot at a downtown street corner controlled by a traffic light and, after making sure that there was sufficient clearance, crossed the street while the cross-traffic still had the green light.  It was cite-and-release, and cost me $10 — probably because when the officer realized that I was from out-of-town he assumed (correctly) that I'd just pay the fine and let it go at that.

So, yeah, if there is some sort of law on the books (and if the cop wants to be a hard-ass about it, trust me, he'll find one or twist another one to fit), you CAN be stopped/cited for jay-walking.
Yes, I suppose I could agree with you ... but then we'd both be wrong, wouldn't we?

Big RR
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Re: Ken Jennings, go to hell, you son of a bitch

Post by Big RR »

I received a jaywalking ticket in Palo Alto California in the early 2000s (I crossed in the middle of the block when there was no traffic) just as a cop was coming out of a coffee shop; I guess it was quota time, but I can't see how the town needed my $25. It was a minor inconvenience to me, but it could be something much worse to someone living on a limited budget; my guess is that the law was usually used to keep the East Palo Alto people out of the Palo Alto downtown (and maybe to harass Stanford students). There is traffic at times in town, but it's rarely heavy.

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