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Bicycle Bill
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Post by Bicycle Bill »

Yes, I suppose I could agree with you ... but then we'd both be wrong, wouldn't we?

Burning Petard
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Re: Hallelujah

Post by Burning Petard »

About 20 years ago I got a 'corded' keyboard as a free sample when I was part of the plant 'ergonomics' committee. The manufacturer said it was about a one month learning curve and then they would love it. Management said the learning curve was prohibitive and the manufacture probably had some weasel words there that meant it was AT LEAST a one month learning curve, so it went to the storage area for junk computer equipment. But I have always been fascinated by court reporters. The old fashioned gregg shorthand court transcripts lead to some nightmares when the person who did the original was not available and nobody else could read it. Read a good history book a while back about the first USofA jury trial with a preserved complete transcript. The defense team included both Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton. It was about corruption in NY city water system contracts. It had an interesting technique for getting a jury verdict. They were locked into an unheated room in the middle of winter and told they could not come out until they had a verdict, not even for a call of nature.


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