Even if you are not a massive Lynch fan - I can’t say I am, in that I have only seen the first Twin Peaks and bits and pieces of the films, though I now want to have a Lynch fest soon in my living room - if you just love film, you might well enjoy this documentary which I just watched on Kanopy.
I’m only posting the trailer link because it contains well deserved praises from reviewers, I otherwise encourage you not to consider it representative of the quality of the documentary itself. It’s a bad trailer. https://youtu.be/ktEzqafTCds?si=WLUNnWqr-Bh8ig4g
The documentary itself is very much a must see for film nerds as one plaudit asserted. It heavily explores Lynch’s films but it also references a gamut of American films and it focused heavily on the themes that interweave the industry and storytelling in general.
Well worth a couple of hours of time in the life of any film buff.