Theory vs Reality

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Bicycle Bill
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Theory vs Reality

Post by Bicycle Bill »

A boy asked his dad once to explain the difference between "theory" and "reality". The dad said, "I can explain it, but I think a demonstration would be much more effective." He then called the boy's mother and the boy's older sister into the room.

Addressing the mother, he asked her, "Would you go to bed and have sex with a total stranger for a million dollars?" The mother thought for a moment and then said that she would. The father then turned to the older sister and asked the same question, and got the same answer.

The man then turned back to the son. "Now", he said, "there is the difference between theory and reality. In theory we are sitting on two million dollars. In reality, however, all we have are a couple of overpriced hookers."
Yes, I suppose I could agree with you ... but then we'd both be wrong, wouldn't we?

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