Fast train

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Fast train

Post by Gob »

It was all taken care of. A car had been arranged to pick me up at the hotel and get me to Shanghai International Airport two hours before my flight.


But the day before I leave, Henk Meyknecht, manager of the Langham Yangtze Boutique Shanghai, has a suggestion: why not get the car to take me to the Maglev station and catch the train to the airport?

It's an idea I can't resist. After all, Shanghai's Maglev (that's short for magnetic levitation, don't you know) is the world's fastest operating train.

But if I take a detour to the train station, will I need to set aside more time for the journey? I'd allowed an hour to get to the airport by car. How long does the train trip take?

Henk laughs. "About seven minutes."

Shanghai's Maglev is officially a "demonstration" line. As China works to build one of the world's greatest high-speed rail networks, debate has raged in the country over what type of technology to employ. The airport line was created to demonstrate – and test – the feasibility of maglev technology as a potential for of transport between Shanghai and Beijing.

Shanghai runs two Maglevs on parallel tracks. Construction began in March 2001 and the first trip for passengers took place in October 2003.

On board, the seats are large and comfortable – the sort you might expect on a journey that's going to last several hours, not mere minutes.

After stowing my suitcase in the luggage rack near the door, I take a window seat and prepare for the ride. Apart from a mild jerk as we start moving, the train is incredibly smooth. And it goes like the clappers.

The makers have added a nice touch to each carriage: a large speedometer that lets passengers see how fast we're going. The train accelerates at an incredible pace. Within 30 seconds we're already approaching 200km/h.

There's a palpable excitement among the passengers as the speed continues to increase. Outside the window, buildings whizz by so fast its difficult to focus on them.

As the track turns, the train tilts, adding a sense of amusement part ride to this engineering marvel.

I've been on fast trains before, in Japan, but on board I never really felt like I was moving particularly fast. I feel the same way on the Maglev . . . until we hit 400 km/h.

Looking out the window, I see cars on a highway that are probably doing 100km/h. We're flying past them like they're stuck in first gear.

The other Maglev suddenly whips past us going the other way – truly a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment.

The acceleration slows as we approach our top speed – 431km/h. (270 mph) At this point, most of the passengers are getting up to take photos of the speedometer. Even the stoic Asian businessman on my left can't resist getting up and snapping a pic on his iPhone.

It's a shared moment as we look around at each other with grins on our faces, before turning back to the window to watch the world rush by. After about a minute at top speed, the train begins slowing down – we're still a few minutes away from the airport, but to get back from 431kph to zero takes time.

The moment has passed, but it's hard to forget what must be the best airport commute in the world. ... 5051878009
Next time we go back to the UK*, I must fix it so we go via Shanghai!!

*Xmas 2011 if things pan out.
“If you trust in yourself, and believe in your dreams, and follow your star. . . you'll still get beaten by people who spent their time working hard and learning things and weren't so lazy.”

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Re: Fast train

Post by dales »

This is DECADES beyond anything we have here.

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Re: Fast train

Post by Gob »

Here too Dales, but there are, as there always are, plans afoot..
Airport adds voice to fast rail proposal

19 Sep, 2010 09:47 AM

A HIGH-SPEED train line that would allow a 50-minute trip between Sydney and Canberra could also provide a boost for the territory's airport.

Canberra Airport managing director Stephen Byron said a high-speed rail network linking Melbourne and Sydney would overcome the need for a $15million second Sydney airport to be developed as smaller airports such as Newcastle and Canberra could then fill the void.

A study published yesterday by AECOM, one of the world's experts on modelling fast trains for governments, and the infrastructure lobby group, Infrastructure Partnerships Australia, advocated a rail network with trains travelling at 350km/h as a competitor to air travel.

Travel between Melbourne and Sydney would take three hours, and the network could be a solution to Australia's road congestion, greenhouse gas emissions, and a population that is expected to increase to 26.7million by 2026 and 36million by 2056.

The report has received bipartisan support at a federal level.

Infrastructure Minister Anthony Albanese said yesterday the Government would fund a $20million feasibility study of the proposal ... 45808.aspx
“If you trust in yourself, and believe in your dreams, and follow your star. . . you'll still get beaten by people who spent their time working hard and learning things and weren't so lazy.”

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Re: Fast train

Post by dales »

In CALIFORNIA they want to run a high speed rail line form Los Angeles to San Francisco.

With CA being 20 biliiion in the hole.....maybe next century.

Your collective inability to acknowledge this obvious truth makes you all look like fools.



Re: Fast train

Post by @meric@nwom@n »

Or perhaps you could petition for China to annex you.

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Re: Fast train

Post by dales »

They have us by our gonads, why not.

Your collective inability to acknowledge this obvious truth makes you all look like fools.


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