Any questions about results of an engineering company run by bean counters?

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Re: Any questions about results of an engineering company run by bean counters?

Post by Econoline »

John Oliver had a good, thorough deep-dive on Boeing last week. (Well worth watching unless you just can't stand John Oliver.)
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Burning Petard
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Re: Any questions about results of an engineering company run by bean counters?

Post by Burning Petard »

A door falls off a plane while in flight. My faith tradition circulates a draft statement about violence for approval. Among a few other things one is to identify the root cause of violence and change it. Investigation finds the doors were attached by a subcontractor who routinely missed a bolt or two.
Other investigators find Boeing and Airbus have assembled their craft using parts made of fake Titanium. But all the paperwork was in order, How were boeing and airbus supposed to know?

Before I retired, I worked for a German conglomerate. I was sent for training to do ISO 2001 audits. It was all about paperwork. When I was part of Dupont, they were very suspicious of paperwork. Auditors were to speak to the individuals actually doing the tasks to learn how it was actually done.
Siemens taught me that was a waste of time. Just go over the paperwork very carefully.

Mother Jones magazine sent me a link to the trailer for a new documentary film 'The Grab' about the global efforts to get control of food production and potable water.

Early this morning I heard a long format story on BBC radio about the Great Reset conspiracy in America with a central part by Glen Beck and Alex Jones.

The root cause of these and many other problems is the same -- Human Greed.


ex-khobar Andy
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Re: Any questions about results of an engineering company run by bean counters?

Post by ex-khobar Andy »

I read about the 'fake titanium.' From the reporting I have seen I'm not sure what they mean by fake. Titanium is titanium. Nevertheless, when I worked in drug manufacture in the UK, all raw materials were tested in the lab by me and my friends before they were released for use. No exceptions. Usually the truck driver had to wait for a lab OK to unload his truck. In some cases the material was off-loaded and quarantined if it took more than an hour or two to run the tests. So we'd get a tanker of toluene. Is it toluene and does it meet our specs? We'd run a boiling point and density and infra-red and ultra-violet spectrums and a chromatography run or three to check for impurities. If we signed off that it was OK, they could pump it into the toluene tank.

We were making drugs for the US market so we came under FDA oversight. They came over every six months IIRC and inspected our records for batches which were sold in the US. Many other countries, especially those in what we then called the Third World, accepted FDA oversight in lieu of their own which they could not afford.

Never worked in aircraft manufacture. But I bet that Boeing were equally strict about their raw materials, especially metals, lubricants and fasteners, in the old days before the bean counters had their way.

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