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Re: What a load of crap

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 2:10 am
by Scooter
The Village Idiot wrote:Two percent of my ancestor came from sub-Saharan Africa, but two percent is insignificant.
Nope, that 2% makes you all black, before the Civil War it would have made you a slave.

Re: What a load of crap

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 2:45 am
by Scooter
Btw, since you are so clearly intrigued by my butt play, I will be happy to share more stories about my sex life, just ask.

Re: What a load of crap

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 1:24 pm
by wesw
well good.

now you do realize that the old idea that all amer-indians came across the bering bridge is not true tho, right?

obviously the Polynesians did not stop at easter island.

there is substantial evidence that Chinese made their way to mexico.

also Egyptians and phonecians likely had people reach these shores.

the Samis certainly were part of the arctic migrations as were likely the Scandinavians a large reason why the Algonquin nation and Nanticoke tribes were taller and identified as the people of the sun who came from the east.

amer-indians are mutts too.

all the redheads in Peruvian tombs, and elsewhere, were likely remnants of an earlier population that was lost an ice age ended and rising sea levels wiped them out, mostly.

the maori and other island people were flush with redheads?blondes upon their discovery by Europeans.

almost all of Polynesia has these oral traditions

they were the elites in maoiri (sp)new Zealand, and were massacred by their brethren in recent history

look it up

new history is being learned everyday, but not taught.