Like having a Nazi gathering at the gates of Auschwitz

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Re: Like having a Nazi gathering at the gates of Auschwitz

Post by oldr_n_wsr »

the polarization is a problem
Right you are BigRR. :ok
Too much is being defined as black and white with no shades of gray.
Being against something doesn't automatically put you into the opposite viewpoints camp.
There are infinite degrees in between and I think that is where most people are. Along that verying shades of gray path.
But they (polsters, politicos, whomever) try and break everyone down into neat little demagraphic profiles.

Even the damn pop-up ads do it.

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Re: Like having a Nazi gathering at the gates of Auschwitz

Post by Big RR »

Yes, but then I really don't understand what you mean by claiming to be "anti-gay(or homosexual)" or anti-immigrant". Gays and immigrants are people, not things or ideas; so while I would concede that someone could be against gay marriage, e.g., without being against gay people generally (although I think a good number of those having this viewpoint might well want to just push gays back into the closet or worse), I really don't understand what characterizing oneself as "anti-gay" could mean other than being against gay people generally (andf even then I don't understand what that means). Would all groups claiming to be anti-gay be aligned with Jimenez and his repulsive views? Maybe not, but you hear very few of those groups condemning him, which makes me wonder.

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Re: Like having a Nazi gathering at the gates of Auschwitz

Post by oldr_n_wsr »

I guess it's more against the actions rather than the people.
as has been said before
hate the sin, not the sinner.
But I do not judge what is or isn't a sin so to change that thought:
hate the act, not the actor.

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Re: Like having a Nazi gathering at the gates of Auschwitz

Post by Joe Guy »

To me, the term 'anti-gay' means that you're opposed to gay people the same way a racist is opposed to black people. You just don't like who they are and believe gays are inferior people.

If you judged everyone in the world by the kind of sex they have, there would probably be a lot of people you automatically wouldn't like, including some of your own kinky heterosexual friends.

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Re: Like having a Nazi gathering at the gates of Auschwitz

Post by Lord Jim »

My personal view is that the word "hate", (much like the words "bully", "racist" and "bigot") in recent years has become over-used and misapplied in ways that trivialize and dilute the genuine meaning...

I think the reason this has happened is pretty obvious. It's a rhetorical strategy designed to discredit and de-legitimize those holding opposing views pre-emptively, without ever having to address their positions or arguments. (Similar to yelling "Hitler!")

What I find very unfortunate about this, is that this over-use and mis-use of these terms makes it problematic to deal seriously with those situations where they genuinely apply.
Last edited by Lord Jim on Sat Aug 20, 2016 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Like having a Nazi gathering at the gates of Auschwitz

Post by Joe Guy »

Lord Jim wrote:My personal view is that the word "hate", (much like the words "bully", "racist" and "bigot") in recent years has become over-used and misapplied in ways that trivialize and dilute the genuine meaning...
You can say that again!... er..... you don't need to say that again! The overuse of some of those terms is caused, in my opinion, by the 'victim mentality' that so many people seem to have nowadays. You see it on those talk shows when they have a panel. Someone on the panel, no matter which subject, will be offended and feel victimized by something being discussed. It causes me to yell at my TV a lot more than I used to...

Those poor little victims crying about their problems are raising my blood pressure and it's unhealthy for me. I'm being injured by those people and should be able to sue them for damages...

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Re: Like having a Nazi gathering at the gates of Auschwitz

Post by MajGenl.Meade »

Joe Guy wrote:To me, the term 'anti-gay' means that you're opposed to gay people the same way a racist is opposed to black people. You just don't like who they are and believe gays are inferior people.

If you judged everyone in the world by the kind of sex they have, there would probably be a lot of people you automatically wouldn't like, including some of your own kinky heterosexual friends.
I don't recognize the term "anti-gay". Gay means to be happy; carefree. I am opposed to homosexuality (which some will say is like being opposed to ocean tides, I suppose). I believe, based upon the word of God, that homosexuality is a sin - along with fornication, divorce, adultery and such.

I've never hated a homosexual. Every one that I have known more than casually - socially and in work - has become a friend. I don't preach at them or to them. The only time the subject is ever brought up is if they do so - and they have always been aware of my belief. I see no point at all in "hate".... it forms no part of Christian theology, though sadly it does form a part of unChristian mistheology. I see a point in "love", for God loves every one. And I don't understand why opposing what a person does necessarily means one doesn't like the person.

It is ridiculous for anyone to think that a homosexual is an "inferior" person. A true Christian could never think that way. For true Christians know that they themselves are as guilty of sin as anyone. They are not "superior" but should, according to the Bible, have come to know how inferior they are - for the only true comparison is to Jesus and all fall so far short that there is no difference between us
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Like Having A Nazi Gathering at the gates of Auschwitz

Post by RayThom »

Lord Jim wrote:My personal view is that the word "hate", (much like the words "bully", "racist" and "bigot") in recent years has become over-used and misapplied in ways that trivialize and dilute the genuine meaning...
I raised my daughter with the understanding that "HATE" is a four letter word. If needed, she can hate liver, or peas, or lutefisk, but we don't allow the use of the word when talking about people... even the likes of Donald Trump. We usually settle upon "dislike immensely" at most, and that we use sparingly.

Hate and hatred of others requires much emotional energy to maintain and that energy is best channeled to more important and meaningful uses in our daily lives. Life is short, and hatred distorts the respect we should have for every moment of it.

A silly concept, maybe, but I feel it has work well for us both.
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Re: Like having a Nazi gathering at the gates of Auschwitz

Post by kmccune »

Seems too much BS is ascribed to many people ,I dont see a dislike as hatred ,if there wasnt opposing viewpoints and behaviors,we wouldnt know how good things could be.I intensley dislike the actions and viewpoints of a lot of people,doesnt mean I hate them ,when we talk,its like finding a missing friend .The "hatemongers " love to make everything absolute ( seems to be the spice of their lives ).

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Re: Like having a Nazi gathering at the gates of Auschwitz

Post by Econoline »

People who are wrong are just as sure they're right as people who are right. The only difference is, they're wrong.
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Re: Like having a Nazi gathering at the gates of Auschwitz

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Re: Like having a Nazi gathering at the gates of Auschwitz

Post by BoSoxGal »

oldr_n_wsr wrote:I guess it's more against the actions rather than the people.
as has been said before
hate the sin, not the sinner.
But I do not judge what is or isn't a sin so to change that thought:
hate the act, not the actor.
Why do you hate homosexual relationships/sex? How does it harm you?
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Re: Like having a Nazi gathering at the gates of Auschwitz

Post by oldr_n_wsr »

I don't hate homosexual relationships. I don't think I said that but if I did I mis-spoke and I am sorry for it.
I was speaking in generalities and repeated terminology that has been around for decades (hate the sin....)
Their sex life non-factor to me. Just like a hetero-sexuals sex life is a non-factor to me.
I don't believe that homosexual sex is a sin. If two people love each other, that is what counts.

As LordJim posted "Hate" is an often mis-used word. It is thrown around way too easily and without regard for the actual meaning.
If one does not hate something, it doesn't necessarily follow that one "likes" that something.
The opposite is also true.

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Re: Like having a Nazi gathering at the gates of Auschwitz

Post by Scooter »

We know where wes and his buds will be heading this weekend:
‘Death to Gays’ Pastors to Hold ‘Make America Straight Again’ Conference to Coincide With Pulse Massacre Anniversary

Steven Anderson, a far right wing pastor known for calling for the death of gay people will be one of several religious extremists holding a "Make America Straight Again" conference in Orlando on Friday.

Today marks the third anniversary of the Pulse massacre, where 49 people, mostly LGBTQ people of color, were gunned down in what has been called the largest hate crime in U.S. history. Many are expected to travel to Orlando this week, to commemorate the horrific attack and mourn the tragic loss of life.

As Friendly Atheist's Hemant Mehta reports, Anderson "celebrated the massacre as soon as it happened because there were '50 less pedophiles in this world.' He added that he’s 'not gonna sit here and cry about it and say it’s a tragedy, because it’s not.' He’s also said if he could push a button and kill every homosexual, he would 'push it until it breaks.'"

Anderson is just one of several "death to gays" pastors hosting the event.

There’s Roger Jimenez, who said the worst thing about the massacre was that the shooter “didn’t finish the job.” He also longed for the government to round up all the gay people, “put them up against a firing wall, put a firing squad in front of them, and blow their brains out.”

There’s Tommy McMurtry, who wishes we could go back to the time when society put gay people in their place: “six feet under.”

Mehta adds: "There’s Bruce Mejia, who says LGBTQ stands for 'Let God Burn Them Quickly' and who thinks just preaching against gay people isn’t enough."

Anderson made headlines in 2014 when he told his congregation, "I actually discovered the cure for AIDS."

"Everybody's talking about, 'Let's have an AIDS-free world by 2020.' Look, we can have an AIDS-free world by Christmas," he promised. Anderson then read a passage from Leviticus that calls for men lying with men to be put to death.

"And that, my friend, is the cure for AIDS,"
Anderson announced. "Because if you executed the homos like God recommends, you wouldn't have all this AIDS running rampant."

Last month Anderson became the first person to be banned by Ireland, making 30 countries that have refused to allow him to enter.
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