Election 2020

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Re: Election 2020

Post by rubato »

Bernie is a parasite. He does nothing to support or develop the Democratic party and then at his whim demands they run him for president. Why the hell would they?


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Re: Election 2020

Post by Lord Jim »

I've seen him in interviews a half dozen times now and I'm very, very impressed. He's not just likeable, and charismatic in a boyish, trustworthy, neighbor kid kind of way - but he is hella smart on every issue I've seen him questioned on and he's able to articulate his positions in a way that is easy to understand yet also nuanced enough that it is clear he grasps the complexities.
That pretty much tracks with my impression of Buttigieg...

I have to say that initially upon learning that the 37 year old mayor of a mid-sized Midwest town (South Bend Indiana; population about 100K) was running for President, my reaction wasn't "Thank GOD! Just what we need"...

It was more along the lines of " Oh geezus, now that Trump got elected, anybody thinks they're qualified to be President"...

But I've seen him interviewed several times now and I agree that he possesses a poise and gravitas that very much exceeds what one would expect based on his age and limited political experience...

I was particularly impressed with the way he handled the Medicare for all question on Morning Joe yesterday...

He came out as a personal supporter, but unlike some candidates, (I'm lookin' at you Kamala) he didn't saddle himself with a position supported by 13% of the public...

Instead, he proposed having Medicare available for those who want it as a "public option"...a very electable position to run on...

I need to find out more about where he is on defense and national security issues, but at the moment based on what I've seen, he is in that group of Democratic candidates that I could vote for over Donald Trump (as opposed to the Democratic candidates that would cause me to vote for a third party or independent candidate or not vote for President at all)

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Re: Election 2020

Post by MajGenl.Meade »

No, sorry. Buttigieg is far too risible a name. Worse than Biggus Dickus!
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Re: Election 2020

Post by Joe Guy »

Buttigieg from South Bend?

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Re: Election 2020

Post by rubato »

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_c ... healthcare

I could not find any g-20 country which did not allow for private HC. And all of them are much cheaper than the US.

We would have to raise both business and personal income taxes to pay for it but since the worst-run universal HC system is a lot cheaper than ours the net payment will be reduced along with the infant, child, maternal &c death rates which are a part of the unaccounted costs to our system.


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Re: Election 2020

Post by ex-khobar Andy »

And part of that uncounted cost is the amount of time every individual spends on keeping records, deciding whether Plan A or Plan B or Plan C is best for them, paying bills to multiple sources who send invoices (I had one minor procedure where I had to send checks to three separate providers) and fighting with the insurance company when they decline a claim. It's not insignificant.

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Re: Election 2020

Post by BoSoxGal »

Bullish on Buttigieg - sharing this so you might be, too:

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Re: Election 2020

Post by rubato »

Very impressive young man.


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Election 2020

Post by RayThom »

When I saw this CNN Town Hall was running over 40 minutes I was just going to skip through it for some soundbites. Two minutes in, I was hooked viewing the entire video. It undoubtedly solidified my earlier feelings about this candidate.

From mayor to president? For Mayor Pete this is not a question of overreaching by any stretch of the imagination. With the proper management and backing it's surely an attainable goal for him. No "pie in the sky" rhetoric, just absolute straight talk. Something we haven't gotten from the White House for over two years now.

If he can garner more exposure like this I truly feel he's in a good position to win it all -- no joke. All one needs is an open mind, and the knowledge that we American deserve better than we have right now.

I've been sold on Biden as my candidate of choice since the last election, and I think he's still the 'stronger' (possible) candidate for 2020, but if Mayor Pete's starts to move the needle a bit more into the green, I may just switch allegiance and part with some cash for him to reach the unreachable stars.

I wish him the best of luck.


More on Buttigieg: (and he's on "The View" later this morning.)

The Esquire Interview: Mayor Peter Buttigieg
https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a ... interview/
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Re: Election 2020

Post by Scooter »

At some point he is going to have to learn how to give more succinct answers to questions, rather than getting out everything he wants to say (all very good) about every question, but at this point, I really noticed how he was able to connect the dots between policy areas. For example, in his answer to the question about automation, he was able to weave together economic competitiveness, national security, portability of health care, fighting extremism and a few other things seamlessly, showing he had given a lot of thought to the interplay of all of them, and what his approach to policy development would look like.

What he said today on The View about accepting that faith can legitimately shape the values of those across the political spectrum, but that it cannot justify the hypocrisy of condoning behaviour or policy that is antithetical to those values, puts him, I think, in the best position of any candidate thus far to call out the way the religious right has sold its soul by supporting Trump, and cause at least some voters who flocked to him for that reason to question why they should stick with someone who so clearly does not share their values.
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Re: Election 2020

Post by BoSoxGal »

Just in case you were feeling heavy in the pockets:

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Re: Election 2020

Post by Scooter »

I can't legally contribute but I may buy one of the shirts.
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Re: Election 2020

Post by BoSoxGal »

Sorry, I meant ‘you’ in the general sense. You Canucks better not interfere with our elections - that’s Russia’s exclusive gig.
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Re: Election 2020

Post by Scooter »

Buttigieg surges to third place in new Iowa poll

South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D) surged into third place in a poll of the Iowa caucus released Sunday.

Eleven percent of likely Democratic Iowa caucusgoers surveyed by Emerson Polling said they would pick Buttigieg to be their 2020 presidential nominee.

Overall, Buttigieg placed third behind Former Vice President Joe Biden, at 25 percent, and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), at 24 percent.

The only other candidate to receive double-digit support was Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), who was the choice for 10 percent of respondents.

"The biggest surprise in this poll is Mayor Pete, last week we saw him inching up in our national poll, and now he’s in double digits in Iowa, America is going to be asking who is 'Mayor Pete'?" Spencer Kimball, director of the Emerson Poll, said.

Buttigieg, who has formed an exploratory committee but has not officially declared, was polling at 0 percent in Emerson's January survey of Iowa, which shows his recognition and support have grown significantly in the last few months.

The Indiana mayor's campaign cleared the donations threshold to participate in presidential debates earlier this month.

His performance in Sunday's Emerson poll was boosted by placing second in the 18-to-29-year-old demographic, with 22 percent. Sanders led that category with 44 percent.

“If Buttigieg is able to maintain his momentum, his candidacy appears to be pulling from the same demographic of young voters as Sanders, and that could become a problem for Sanders,” Kimball said.

Emerson surveyed 249 likely Iowa Democratic caucusgoers between March 21 and 24. The margin of error for the sample is 6.2 percentage points.
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Re: Election 2020

Post by Scooter »

It's these sorts of encounters that are getting this guy noticed. It's long, but worth watching.

Now I ask you, is there anyone who can say with a straight face that the current occupant of the Oval Office has ever given any thought to the sorts of questions being asked here, never mind having been able to provide a cogent answer?
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Election 2020

Post by RayThom »

Riveting, and spot on. Now if Biden would only drop out -- before he drops in -- and would endorse the mayor, I feel Pete has a wonderful opportunity to do battle against Lord Dampnut... and win. Or, at worst, if Biden does win the nomination, he would consider Buttigieg as his running mate.

Go, Mayor Pete, go!
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Re: Election 2020

Post by Scooter »

(speaking of recent constitutional amendments)

...the 25th Amendment, which may be needed some day

(giggles from audience)

I didn't say which day
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Re: Election 2020

Post by Bicycle Bill »

Am I the only one who is seeing a sort of parallel between Pete Buttigieg, who was elected as mayor of South Bend IN at the age of 29, and another young man — Dennis Kucinich — who first came to the public's awareness after HE was elected mayor of a larger city (Cleveland) at an unexpectedly young age?
Yes, I suppose I could agree with you ... but then we'd both be wrong, wouldn't we?

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Re: Election 2020

Post by Lord Jim »

Wow BB, no I hadn't seen that comparison...

And hopefully I won't...

If I did, I'd have to completely rethink my willingness to vote for him...

Kucinich was, (is) an obnoxious self-absorbed lefty. "Dennis the Menace" got national attention because of his reckless incompetence and confrontational arrogance that ultimately drove Cleveland in to financial default...

Mayor Pete was re-elected to a second four year term with 80% of the vote. (You don't do that by being a shrill in-your-face ideologue like Dennis.) By contrast, Kucinich barely survived a recall after just two years:
The first recall election in the city's history was set for August 13. Kucinich ended up winning, but by a narrow margin of 236 votes.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayoralty ... s_Kucinich

Fortunately for Buttigieg the comparison doesn't go past, "they were both elected mayor at a young age"...

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Re: Election 2020

Post by Bicycle Bill »

Obviously, I was much younger when Kucinich was elected mayor, so I wasn't quite as aware of his situation in Cleveland.  I knew he was controversial, but I always put that down to the fact that he was a young, seemingly 'come-from-nowhere' firebrand who wasn't part of the "old boy network".

And he must have been able to change somewhat after vacating the mayor's position to become more acceptable to more people, because now that I've looked him up his Wikipedia bio notes that fifteen years later (1995) he was elected as a senator to the Ohio legislature for two years, followed by a sixteen-year stint (1997-2013) in Congress as the representative of Ohio's 10th district.  So he must have been doing something right, at least in the eyes of enough people to keep sending him back to Washington.

By the way, there are worse things to be than a lefty, even an "obnoxious, self-absorbed" one.  May I point to a certain pompous blowhard (a/k/a Our National Embarrassment) who is currently doing far worse and to far more people than anything Kucinich — or anyone else — ever did?
Yes, I suppose I could agree with you ... but then we'd both be wrong, wouldn't we?

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