Star Trek: Picard

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Re: Star Trek: Picard

Post by Joe Guy »

TPFKA@W wrote:Not to worry Joe, I am sure if you work at it you can sink even lower. I would expect nothing less. :mrgreen:
Thank you for your encouraging words!

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Re: Star Trek: Picard

Post by TPFKA@W »

Joe Guy wrote:
TPFKA@W wrote:Not to worry Joe, I am sure if you work at it you can sink even lower. I would expect nothing less. :mrgreen:
Thank you for your encouraging words!

You can always count on me Joe.

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Re: Star Trek: Picard

Post by ex-khobar Andy »

BoSoxGal wrote: ... uling.html

I encourage folks to read what’s at that link, in full, and then make an argument why the pit bull breed group should exist at all in an enlightened society - much less be multiplying at current rates and overrunning humane society shelters and rescue groups so that more and more and more families are bringing these potentials killers into their family homes.
Not being a dog owner (well, OK, once years ago I had a couple of pups for a year after their mother had been shot) I had fully subscribed to the 'no bad dogs, just bad owners' school of thought until I read the piece you linked.

Had I read that before I caught that stray dog I might have been less blithe about it. My recollection is that while we were waiting for the owner to come panting over the hill - and s/he never appeared - I tied the leash to a lamppost and stayed out of range while trying to judge its character. He seemed friendly enough but one instance does not make a rule.

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Re: Star Trek: Picard

Post by Long Run »

ex-khobar Andy wrote: but one instance does not make a rule.
Exactly. The ASPCA position and the vast majority of research you can find published on reputable sites concludes that pit bulls are not an inherently more dangerous breed. However, there is no shortage of anecdotal evidence about pit bulls attacking people, just as it is easy to find such evidence of many other breeds. No one disagrees that there are a lot of negligent dog owners and too many evil ones, making this a people problem, not a dog problem.

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Re: Star Trek: Picard

Post by BoSoxGal »

That’s just utterly wrong. There is a massive body of evidence that proves while ALL dogs bite, bully breeds are unique in that they WILL NOT LET GO. There are many cases wherein APBTs have had to be beaten to death or shot dead before they ended a mauling, which in far too many cases resulted in the death of children and adults and other animals. The website I linked above tracks dog bite cases and the statistics are irrefutable. Yes, other breeds bite. Yes, other breeds have killed. But bully breeds are far worse than other breeds and capable of far more damage - and they are bred for bad temperament over good temperament by most breeders, especially considering that the vast majority of the ones available are unwanted dogs resulting from owners who refuse to spay/neuter.

Having one of those dogs around anyone or any critter you love is just dumb.

And getting back to the OP, I’m hugely disappointed that Patrick Stewart has fallen under the spell of the bully breed lobby in real life and is promoting the breed to his huge fan base via Picard. The only result is that demand for the breed will increase further, dogs will be bred in mill operations purely for profit, and more people will be mauled, disfigured, and killed.

I won’t watch the show, which I had been SO looking forward to.
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Re: Star Trek: Picard

Post by Scooter »

It's the all cats are grey in the dark rationale, attempting to equate getting nipped by a cocker spaniel with a killing machine clamping its steel trap jaws on a child's face and ripping it off.
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Re: Star Trek: Picard

Post by Burning Petard »

Once again, as I read this thread, I think I am too old. Jaws of death ripping off the face of a child. Why all the attention to 'bully' dogs, both against and for? In the apartment complex where I live I see more of them than any other breed. I have read the same stories about a particular breed of dogs that is too dangerous to exist, that will cause your homeowners insurance to sky-rocket, a breed that any rational person would avoid at all costs. Except before this it was Rottweilers. Before that it was Doberman Pinchers,[with a brief side step to Dalmatians after the Disney movie] before that it was German Shepherd. I suspect that a properly cared for 'bully' dog has higher than average vet bills. The very short hair and pale skin and eyes tell me they are prone to skin and eye problems and do not tolerate hot or cold weather very easily.

Something tells me the danger is something other than a particular breed. I remember when the current bad publicity was just ramping up and focusing on 'pit bulls' (undefined) the Philly ABC channel ran a local news story about a horrible incident on a school playground in New Jersey. This breed was declared in the introduction to have such strong jaws that once they bite on someone the only answer was is to kill the dog and then call for the Vehicular Emergency team to use 'the Jaws of Life" to pry open the dead dog's mouth. Then they went into the actual school playground story. During recess period at a New Jersey Elementary, a pair of these dogs came into the playground. The teachers instructed the kids to get back in the building immediately. As the children fled screaming, the dogs grabbed one of the children on the leg. Another student, in the third grade, attacked the dog with a stick. The both dogs immediately ended their bitting and departed the area. No 'Jaws of Life' needed, only a determined child. The bitten child was taken to a local hospital for treatment and released.

In this area, it is little 'purse' size dogs that are flooding the animal shelters.


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Re: Star Trek: Picard

Post by Scooter »

Back to the topic, a Romulan with a Scottish accent just comes off weird.
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Re: Star Trek: Picard

Post by Joe Guy »

Did a Romulan have Scotty's love child?

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Re: Star Trek: Picard

Post by TPFKA@W »

It was a pitbull free episode tonight, thank dog. Meanwhile it is a wee bit odd that the Romulans all appear to have Britishy accents.

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Re: Star Trek: Picard

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Perhaps they all had British Nannys? Snailgate

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Re: Star Trek: Picard

Post by MajGenl.Meade »

Descendants of the first royals to participate in the Great Canadian deep-space program of '24? Sorry; 'programme'
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Re: Star Trek: Picard

Post by TPFKA@W »

These are grown up former Tal Shiar folk so no nanny involved I suppose. Maybe they are using universal translators which are randomly assigning a British accent. I suppose the real reason is that the British executive producer simply hired a bunch of British buds to fill the roles.

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Re: Star Trek: Picard

Post by Scooter »

I now read that Orla Brady, who plays Laris, is Irish, but she sounded more Scottish to me. Maybe she is Presbyterian.
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Re: Star Trek: Picard

Post by TPFKA@W »

Scooter wrote:I now read that Orla Brady, who plays Laris, is Irish, but she sounded more Scottish to me. Maybe she is Presbyterian.
Well I had thought she sounded Irish, but when I read your comment I assumed I had misheard because you would be way ahead of me on accents generally I am sure.

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Re: Star Trek: Picard

Post by Scooter »

I was unsure between the two myself, but thought I heard things that said Scottish.

It's still bizarre either way.
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Re: Star Trek: Picard

Post by Bicycle Bill »

TPFKA@W wrote:Reading up I find that to my disappointment Patrick Stewart insisted on the pitbull being a part of the show.  It is really irritating and Irresponsible given that shelters are overrun by pitties dumped there when it is discovered that they can and will eat the household. .... The rest of the show notwithstanding, I am not sure if I will be able to stomach supporting the show because of this.
It does seem strange that some people will find one eensy-weensy little plot point and pick THAT as a reason to toss a blanket condemnation or boycott onto something.

Remember that one eight-second scene in "Airplane" where the Lloyd Bridges character, while driving to the airport to handle the emergency, casually plows into and catapults the cyclist over the car?  Suppose I had decided to pitch a fit, storm out of the theater, and demand my money back because of that scene?  Same thing.
Yes, I suppose I could agree with you ... but then we'd both be wrong, wouldn't we?

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Re: Star Trek: Picard

Post by TPFKA@W »

This weeks episode, also pitbull free, was slooooooow and generally tedious. They need to step up the game. I also hate that it is done so much in the style of Discovery.

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Re: Star Trek: Picard

Post by TPFKA@W »

So any thoughts on whether Patrick Stewart will be replaced in coming seasons? The gollem awaiting a mind transfer/terminal illness talk seemed to hint at a change possible in the offing.

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Re: Star Trek: Picard

Post by Scooter »

Star Trek: Picard doesn't really make sense without, well, Picard, so not sure how they would pull that off.
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