Iran is screwed.

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Re: Iran is screwed.

Post by Darren »

"Two of the most accomplished and internationally recognized students in Iran are among those arrested and tortured as the regime’s fear of an uprising escalates.

The Spokesman of Iran’s Judiciary on Tuesday admitted the arrest of two elite students from the Sharif University of Technology after detaining them for 26 days.

Gholam-Hossein Esmaili who was speaking to reporters said the two students had linked up with the MEK.

Reciting a series of trumped-up charges, Esmaili alleged that the students – who were not named – had engaged in “diversionary actions” and were “attempting to carry out sabotage operations.” “Explosive devices used in sabotage operations were discovered when their homes were searched,” he said.

“Amid the Coronavirus, this was essentially a conspiracy by the enemies; they wanted to wreak havoc in the country, which was fortunately thwarted by the vigilance and timely action of intelligence ministry agents,” Esmaili added.

According to Human Rights Monitor, It seems that the Judiciary spokesman is referring to the 20-year-old award-winning computer science student of Tehran’s Sharif Industrial University, Ali Younesi, and another award-winning physics student, Amir-Hossein Moradi, who were both arrested on April 10.

Amir Hossein Moradi disappeared and Ali Younesi was brought home in the evening of the same day, with injuries and torture marks. The family of Ali Younesi says he was assaulted and injured by the twelve security agents.

After a few hours, his parents were taken away with him and interrogated for hours under pressure.

Ali Younesi who was the winner of the gold medal in the International Astronomy Olympiad in 2018 in China is twenty years old and a second-year computer science student at Tehran’s Sharif Industrial University. Amir Hossein Moradi also won the Olympiad silver medal in 2017.

On May 6, the Human Right Monitor-Iran announced the names of 18 others, among the many who have been arrested, as follows:

Mohammad Reza Ashrafi Samani, Isfahan
Nahid Fat’halian, Tehran
Kamran Rezaeifar, Tehran
Sepehr Imam Jomeh, Tehran
Parastoo Mo’ini, Tehran
Zahra Safaei, Tehran
Bijan Kazemi, Kuhdasht
Forough Taghipour, Tehran
Marzieh Farsi, Tehran
Massoud Rad, Tehran
Mohammad Mehri, Qom
Somayeh Bidi, Karaj
Mohammad Hassani, Karaj
Rasool Hassanvand, Khorramabad
Gholam Ali Alipour, Amol
Mehran Gharabaghi, Behbahan
Majid Khademi, Behbahan
Saeed Rad, Semnan

HRM added that the National Council of Resistance – Iran (NCRI)’s leader emphasized that the detainees are subject to torture and face execution, as well as in danger of being exposed to Coronavirus, and urged the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the Human Rights Council, as well as the international human rights organizations to take urgent action to secure the release the detainees and to send international missions to visit the regime’s prisons and meet with these prisoners.

At the same time, the NCRI said in a statement, ” The clerical regime must publish the names of all the detainees and respect all their rights by the international conventions to which it is a party. Torture and ill-treatment of political prisoners are well-known practices of the regime. Since December 2017 uprising, a significant number of prisoners have been murdered under torture. The regime maintains silence and engages in a cover-up about the fate of these prisoners. And when compelled to say anything, it claims they have committed suicide and killed themselves.”"
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Iran is screwed.

Post by RayThom »

OMG -- even Forough Taghipour?

Your post above gave you the most face time so far today.

You may need to be taking deep breaths into a brown paper bag after that one.
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Re: Iran is screwed.

Post by Darren »

"Fatah's Revolutionary Council condemned security orders in Judea and Samaria which would expose Palestinian Authority (PA) banks to fines and imprisonment if they continue transferring PA funds to security prisoners' bank accounts.

In response to the order, PA banks froze the terrorists' accounts, but promised to reopen them in defiance of the orders banning facilitation of payments to terrorists.

In a statement issued over the weekend, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) claimed the Israeli orders were a "violation and an end to diplomatic and economic agreements" between Israel and the PA."
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Re: Iran is screwed.

Post by Darren »

Our buddies the Saudis in action. You'd think they'd back off for awhile. I'm looking forward to the day we do the AMF and bail out of the Middle East. Let the family fuel go on w/o us.

"AL-BAYDA, YEMEN — Despite calls by the United Nations Secretary General, the Security Council and the World Health Organization to stop its war on Yemen amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Saudi-led coalition has been intentionally targeting food and drug supplies in the country.

On Wednesday, at least 12 trucks loaded with food and medicine and other basic commodities went up in flames when Saudi warplanes struck them as they awaited passage through a customs checkpoint at the Afar Port in Al-Bayda."
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Re: Iran is screwed.

Post by ex-khobar Andy »

The Saudi men I knew - and they were all men - were on the whole decent people who wanted a better life for their children and to live their lives with as little interference as possible. There were turds among them but there's a lot of that about these days.

I imagine that there is as little support for MbS and his adventurism in Yemen as there would be here for something similar.

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Re: Iran is screwed.

Post by Darren »

Iran Is Losing Its Grip in Iraq

"(Bloomberg Opinion) -- When U.S. missiles killed Iran’s most important general and its most important militia leader in early January as they were visiting Baghdad, it looked like American forces would be kicked out of Iraq. Iraq’s parliament convened just hours after the strike and approved a symbolic resolution to expel the U.S.

More than four months later, not only are U.S. forces still there, but it’s clear that the killings have created space for a new Iraqi government to assert some independence from its powerful neighbor. The signs of this new approach have been building over recent months, and the ascendance last week of Mustafa Al-Kadhimi to the post of transitional prime minister is the latest and most profound." ... 29266.html
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Re: Iran is screwed.

Post by Darren »

Iran chops off zeroes from currency, changes ‘rial’ to ‘toman’

TEHRAN, May 4 (MNA) – Iranian lawmakers approved on Monday a monetary bill to shave four zeroes off the national currency.

As per the bill ‘Reforming Monetary and Banking Law’, the monetary unit will change officially from the rial to the commonly used toman.

Furthermore, the minor monetary unit of the new currency will be the ‘parseh’.

So, as per the newly ratified law, 10,000 rials will be equal to 1 toman and each toman will be equal to 100 parseh.
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Re: Iran is screwed.

Post by Darren »

More info is out about the Iranian navy incident. I've adjusted the pictures accordingly.

It was reported that in a live fire accident an Iranian warship sunk another Iranian warship. What do you think? Was it methanol or camel piss fueled incompetence? Or was the ship that got sunk on the way to Saudi Arabia for an episode of "Let's Make A Deal"?

This was sunk

This was not sunk as previously reported.

By one of these. ... 286%29.jpg
Last edited by Darren on Mon May 11, 2020 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Iran is screwed.

Post by RayThom »

Darren, I may be wrong but I believe it was a mass suicide.

COVID-19 and low or no wages -- what's the sense of living?
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Re: Iran is screwed.

Post by Darren »

RayThom wrote:
Mon May 11, 2020 1:02 am
Darren, I may be wrong but I believe it was a mass suicide.

COVID-19 and low or no wages -- what's the sense of living?
My guess would be an attempted defection. Things aren't too groovy in Iran. Inflation is off the charts. The camel piss supply can't keep up. Possibly more arrests than we know.

I think some Saudi would cough up a few million for each of the crew and put them up in really nice digs for the rest of their lives. That would be the end all and be as a yacht.
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Iran is screwed.

Post by RayThom »

Darren wrote:
Mon May 11, 2020 1:05 am
RayThom wrote:
Mon May 11, 2020 1:02 am
Darren, I may be wrong but I believe it was a mass suicide.

COVID-19 and low or no wages -- what's the sense of living?
My guess would be an attempted defection. Things aren't too groovy in Iran. Inflation is off the charts. The camel piss supply can't keep up. Possibly more arrests than we know.

I think some Saudi would cough up a few million for each of the crew and put them up in really nice digs for the rest of their lives. That would be the end all and be as a yacht.
Does anyone else have a better guess than Darren? His seems to be too involved and a bit far fetched.
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Re: Iran is screwed.

Post by Darren »

After Five Bloody Years in Syria, Russia Is Turning Against Iran—and Assad

"GAZIANTEP, Turkey—After five years fighting to preserve Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria, Russia now appears inclined to dispose of its infamous client. Assad’s persistent brutality and corruption, and his inability to establish even the semblance of a functioning state, has grown to be a burden Moscow would prefer not to bear.

And then there’s the problem of Iran. Assad, members of his family, and his Alawite clansmen enjoy close, perhaps unbreakable, bonds to the regime in Tehran and to Iranian-backed militias in Syria. All of which undermines Moscow’s primary mission there: to rehabilitate the Assad regime as a symbol of stability capable of attracting hundreds of billions of dollars of foreign investment for reconstruction, which Russian firms would then be poised to receive." ... 17713.html
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Internal power struggle

Post by Darren »

"Iran's elected government under President Hassan Rouhani is embroiled in an internal power struggle against hardline factions of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps for control of the country's response to the COVID-19 crisis.

The struggle has been exacerbated by two military disasters this year: January's accidental shootdown of a Ukrainian jetliner over Tehran, which killed 176 people; and last Sunday's failed naval missile test that accidentally killed at least 19 Iranian sailors and left more than a dozen still missing.

Iran was the second nation after China to suffer a major outbreak of COVID-19. The disease ripped through top officials and health care workers in the holy city of Qom before spreading to the rest of the nation. But despite social media posts publicising the widespread deaths and a collapsed healthcare system dating back to February, official reports have put Iran's total infection counts at just 114,533 cases as of May 14, with 6,854 dead.

Insider's sources say those numbers greatly downplay the extent of Iran's COVID problem."
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Re: Iran is screwed.

Post by Darren »

"To help prevent a U.S.-Iran war in their neighborhood, the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council have called for diplomacy. They have reached out to Iranian officials to de-escalate. And they have provided Tehran with humanitarian assistance to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.
Saudi Arabia Sought Dialogue With Iran. Then The U.S.-Iranian Conflict Escalated
Saudi Arabia Sought Dialogue With Iran. Then The U.S.-Iranian Conflict Escalated

That is remarkable — and in some ways ironic, considering that until recently, they were pushing Washington to adopt a tougher stance against the Islamic regime, their main adversary.

The question now is whether they are able to do more to reduce the chances of a military confrontation between the United States and Iran in the region without alienating Washington, which seems set on pursuing a punitive approach toward Tehran."
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Iran is screwed.

Post by RayThom »

Darren wrote:
Sat May 16, 2020 5:15 pm
Saudi Arabia Sought Dialogue With Iran. Then The U.S.-Iranian Conflict Escalated
Saudi Arabia Sought Dialogue With Iran. Then The U.S.-Iranian Conflict Escalated
Darren, I know you're anxious to keep your posting numbers high but it would be nice if you edited them a little better.

Redundancy like this makes your need to "cut and paste" uncited material look not only hasty, but sophomoric.
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Re: Iran is screwed.

Post by Joe Guy »

I thought it was just the chorus to his latest song.

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Re: Iran is screwed.

Post by Darren »

Joe Guy wrote:
Sat May 16, 2020 9:01 pm
I thought it was just the chorus to his latest song.
Dogs are not necessarily stupid. If it can't be eaten or fucked then piss on it. In dog world it doesn't get complicated.
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Re: Iran is screwed.

Post by Darren »

"Mohammad Aref Massad, a former Palestinian security prisoner, has demanded that Israel stop transferring tax-revenue funds to the Palestinian Authority on the grounds that the money is being used to fund terrorism and corruption.

Massad, who currently lives in Haifa, made his demand in an urgent petition he filed last week with the High Court of Justice against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon and the Knesset Finance Committee." ... -pa-626814
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Re: Iran is screwed.

Post by Darren »

"The Venezuelan military will escort Iranian tankers delivering much-needed petrol to the country to prevent any attempt by the US to stop them.

Five vessels are on the high seas and are due to arrive in the coming days.

Venezuela's defence minister said they would be "welcomed" into its exclusive economic zone, which extends 370km (200 nautical miles) from its shores.

The US, which has imposed sanctions on Venezuela and Iran, is reportedly considering steps to deter shipments.

The US-backed Venezuelan opposition leader, Juan Guaidó, said the need to import petrol highlighted the mismanagement of Venezuela's oil industry by President Nicolás Maduro's government."
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Re: Iran is screwed.

Post by MajGenl.Meade »

For Christianity, by identifying truth with faith, must teach-and, properly understood, does teach-that any interference with the truth is immoral. A Christian with faith has nothing to fear from the facts

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