no more caravans...., or else.

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Re: no more caravans...., or else.

Post by eddieq »

wesw wrote: refugees are protected from govt persecution, not govt ineptitude.

all the kings horses and all the king s men were after jesus.
Exactly the point that was being made. The king of Judea sent his army after Jesus and his parents took him and fled to Egypt to escape political persecution. If the GOP were in charge in Egypt in those days, they would have put Jesus in a cage, deported Joseph and Mary back to Israel and played dumb when the wise men came seeking.

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Re: no more caravans...., or else.

Post by Big RR »

such bullshit , RR..., and you know it.

refugees are protected from govt persecution, not govt ineptitude.
And please take a look at the asylum law before you rise to call Bullshit.

And FWIW, with Jesus, it wasn't the governing power attacking Jesus, it was the paramilitary organization (gang?) they turned a blind eye to; sound familiar?

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Re: no more caravans...., or else.

Post by wesw »

they still called him king. sounds like govt to me.

puppet govt is still govt.

I m curious as to the asylum law which you refer to. please note it for me?

you aren t at all familiar with Honduran illegals, are you?

I am.

go to silver spring Md and get a new SS number everytime the govt notifies your employee that your is not valid....

....the owner changes your employee number and name, and voila! you are a new man.....

it is a joke.

why go thru a bunch of high school kids to find what you need when you have indentured servants at your disposal....

you even rent them a house, move 7-8 guys in and cover the rent for them...., and write it off......

you don t live with illegal immigration. it doesn t effect you, so you don t REALLY care.

that is how I see it anyway, dismiss me if you will....

...if you hadn t dismissed me (us) maybe you would have had that blue wave that you believe we badly need to offset trump.

maybe in 2020 you will win the house...., if you direct your empathy towards us as well as them.....

but we are evil racist gay hating Nazis, right?

if we could just tame these white men........

....then their women would be free......

which side is racist RR?

this place is lousy with bigotry.

is that racist? or maybe just a figure of speech?

is America lousy with country assed rednecks?....uneducated white trash?

maybe you don t believe this, damned if I can tell.

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Re: no more caravans...., or else.

Post by Big RR »

you aren t at all familiar with Honduran illegals, are you
Indeed I am, I have represented many before the courts and ICE. They're just like everyone else, trying to eke out a living and care for their families. Or do you see otherwise?
go to silver spring Md and get a new SS number everytime the govt notifies your employee that your is not valid....

....the owner changes your employee number and name, and voila! you are a new man.....
Sounds like you beef is with the owner, not the worker. But I have heard precious little criticism from the WH (or even you) aimed at the owners and employers.
you even rent them a house, move 7-8 guys in and cover the rent for them...., and write it off......
Me? Please.
you don t live with illegal immigration. it doesn't effect you, so you don t REALLY care.
Number 1, I do live among many undocumented immigrants and I have represented many, including kids, often at reduced rates or for free. So you have some damn nerve to say I don't care. Number 2, it definitely does affect me, as does people more than willing to ignore the law and marginalize these people.
but we are evil racist gay hating Nazis, right?
Please show me where I have said or even remotely suggested that. Certainly there must be people who meet that description, but I am not immediately aware of any.

But what's the use, you dismiss any attempt to discuss the issue with your Trumpist rhetorc, and I have no interest in contuing the discussion. Cotinue your rant without me--it's pointless to respond.

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Re: no more caravans...., or else.

Post by Econoline »

The Big Lie

Sample quote:
  • Trump declares migrants and asylum seekers as criminals, as the enemy – even though the people he’s talking about haven’t as yet broken a single US law. Nor declared their intention to do so.

    Not one.

    Walking through Guatemala, through Honduras, though El Salvador and Mexico isn’t a crime under US law. Or even a crime under the laws of those nations.

    US laws do not apply to the leaders (or the citizens) of foreign countries. International laws and agreements likewise don’t apply to this migration, and in fact, in most regards international laws prohibit governments from preventing migration and enjoin nations to provide aid and comfort to those in need.

    Having defined migrants as criminals and a dire threat to America, Trump then declares his political opponents, Americans, as enemies of the country – because in Trump’s mind he is America and thus any opposition must therefore be treason. Criminal.

    With the stage, set, Trump then declares this a matter of sovereignty, of national security, of law. He demands other nations control their populations, even though the US has no authority to do so, and threatens military action if they do not comply. Military action. Don’t take my word for it, read those of the American President for yourself, “I will call up the U.S. Military and CLOSE OUR SOUTHERN BORDER!” That’s what he said. That’s what he said in a statement that is bookended by declaring Democrats as criminals and the enemies of America.

    Is the hair standing up on the back of your neck yet? Because it should be.

    Military action first on US soil and then an excuse to … invade the Sudetenland perhaps?

    And if you still can’t see the parallels then you are a goddamned fool.

Go to the above link to read the whole essay.
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Re: no more caravans...., or else.

Post by Scooter »

"If you don't have a seat at the table, you're on the menu."

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Re: no more caravans...., or else.

Post by Econoline »

This is what your great-grandparents’ “caravan” looked like:
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Re: no more caravans...., or else.

Post by Econoline »

People who are wrong are just as sure they're right as people who are right. The only difference is, they're wrong.
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Re: no more caravans...., or else.

Post by Bicycle Bill »

Excellent piece on about the refugee caravan — which Trump has somehow come to believe is the vanguard of the "HIIF" ("Honduran Immigrant Invasion Force") — and his posturing on the matter.

The caravan “invasion” and America’s epistemic crisis
The far right’s xenophobic fantasies now involve the actual US military.
Yes, I suppose I could agree with you ... but then we'd both be wrong, wouldn't we?

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Re: no more caravans...., or else.

Post by Scooter »

"If you don't have a seat at the table, you're on the menu."

-- Author unknown

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Re: no more caravans...., or else.

Post by Econoline »

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Re: no more caravans...., or else.

Post by Burning Petard »

"dems create mobs, trump creates jobs.."

Huh? Trump properties have lots of workers at minimum wage and no green card. Jeff Bezos has promised Queens NY and Crystal City VA 10 thousand new jobs at an average pay above a hundred thousand per year.

Dems have supported the caravan? I thought Dems were all materialistic, elitist, secularists. I thought Christians were all for helping the strangers, specially poor and hungry. Don't remember any restrictions on nationality special id or paperwork mentioned in the Gospels.

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Re: no more caravans...., or else.

Post by datsunaholic »

Always sucks when dinner conversation gets political. Had a great one (/sarcasm) last night at the museum.

One of my friends was stating that if the military didn't want to go to the border, he'd like to go for some target practice. And migrants jumping the wall should be fair game. Stop them from taking away his hard earned money.

I asked what money. He said his Social Security.

As he sees it, migrants go straight to the Social Security office and apply for benefits, and the government gives them money. The more kids they bring, the more money they get. He complained about having to wait hours in line to try to apply for SS benefits, but had to wait behind "dozens"of non-English speaking, non green card holding "immigrants" who were getting SS before him.

This is an otherwise intelligent, hardworking individual who bends over backwards for his friends. But is such a freaking Trumpite I've gotten to the point it's hard to hold a conversation with him.

People wonder why I refuse to watch Faux News, when I should be getting my info form "both sides". Sorry, I watched my own father become indoctrinated by the propaganda after he retired- he'd been moderate-liberal before, but the hate and fear tactic still got him.
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Re: no more caravans...., or else.

Post by Big RR »

this site is a bit old ... dprograms/ but pretty much says what sort of aid undocumented immigrants can get. if your friend's account is true (which I doubt), those "immigrants" are likely citizens or people here legally (likely with a green card). Most undocumented people shy away from ever going into a government office for fear of being apprehended by the authorities. There may be some eligibility for some state programs, but mostly undocumented immigrants are on their own except for certain emergency aid (like charity cre in hospitals or access to vaccination programs which benefit all of us).

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Re: no more caravans...., or else.

Post by Econoline »

People who are wrong are just as sure they're right as people who are right. The only difference is, they're wrong.
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Re: no more caravans...., or else.

Post by Big RR »

Makes a lot of sense, doesn't it? But it's far easier to curse the darkness than light a candle, and demonizing people gets Trump's base excited.

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Re: no more caravans...., or else.

Post by Econoline »

People who are wrong are just as sure they're right as people who are right. The only difference is, they're wrong.
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Re: no more caravans...., or else.

Post by Lord Jim »

“We have always been at war with Eastasia.”
The stage was flanked by banners that said “finish the wall,” even though the crowd frequently broke in to the more familiar “build the wall” chant. Trump stressed an updated version of his wall theme almost an hour into his eighty-minute speech. “Security should not belong only to the rich and to the powerful. Safety is the birthright of every American, which is why we must finish the wall,” he said, speaking the last three words slowly.

Trump on several occasions repeated his false claim that border wall construction is underway. Though some replacement of existing barriers has occurred since he took office, no new barriers have been built. He opened his speech by saying, “I am very, very thrilled to be here in the great state of Texas. Right on the banks of the legendary Rio Grande, where by the way, I don’t know if you heard, right, today we started a big beautiful wall right on the Rio Grande, right smack on the Rio Grande.” It’s not clear what Trump was referring to. No new wall construction has been announced on the border, and existing barriers are hundreds of feet from the river.

As he has done previously, Trump hinted at taking action on border barriers without congressional approval. “We’re setting the stage folks. You know what it’s called, right? It’s called we’re setting the stage. We’re setting the table, we’re doing whatever we have to do. The wall’s being built. It’ll continue. It’s going at a rapid pace,” he said. ... cal-rally/

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Re: no more caravans...., or else.

Post by Bicycle Bill »

I wonder when he's going to suggest stocking the Rio Grande with piranha and 'gators.  Cut down on the illegal migrants coming across, and provide sport fishermen and gun nuts another couple of species to go out and b⃥u⃥t⃥c⃥h⃥e⃥r⃥ — sorry, 'harvest'.
Yes, I suppose I could agree with you ... but then we'd both be wrong, wouldn't we?

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Re: no more caravans...., or else.

Post by Big RR »

Or maybe infest it with something like anthrax or typhoid (we can vaccinate our citizens); it would cure two problems at once. and we wouldn't need more beds either.

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