2020 Presidential Candidates: Pete Buttigieg

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2020 Presidential Candidates: Pete Buttigieg

Post by RayThom »

All hanging on the Notorious RBG.


Keep well.
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Re: 2020 Presidential Candidates: Pete Buttigieg

Post by Lord Jim »

Well said, Mayor Pete:
Buttigieg, a military vet, says Trump pretended to be disabled to dodge the draft

The Democratic presidential hopeful said that the president's conduct resulted in someone else going to war in his place.

WASHINGTON — Pete Buttigieg accused President Donald Trump on Thursday of exploiting his privileged upbringing to "fake a disability" during the Vietnam War so that "somebody could go to war in his place."

Buttigieg, who served in Afghanistan as a Navy intelligence officer, sought to use his own military background to draw a sharp contrast with Trump during a "Washington Post Live" interview. Pressed on whether he believed that Trump, who cited bone spurs in his heel to be exempted from the draft, had a disability, Buttigieg suggested he did not — "at least not that one."

"If you're a conscientious objector, I'd admire that," said Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana, mayor and Democratic 2020 contender. "But this is somebody who, I think it's fairly obvious to most of us, took advantage of the fact that he was the child of a multimillionaire in order to pretend to be disabled so that somebody could go to war in his place."

Allegations that Trump dodged the draft have been a sore spot for the president dating back to his 2016 campaign, when it was revealed that he had received five deferments from service in the Vietnam War — four for education and one for a diagnosis of bone spurs.

Trump's former attorney, Michael Cohen, told the House Oversight Committee in February that Trump had told him "there was no surgery" and "You think I’m stupid? I wasn't going to Vietnam."

Buttigieg also lambasted the president for reportedly considering pardons for several U.S. service members or contractors convicted or accused of war crimes, calling it "disgusting."

"If you are convicted by a jury of your military peers of committing a war crime, the idea that the president is going to overrule that is an affront to the idea of good order and discipline and to the idea of the rule of law, the very thing we believe we're putting our lives on the line to defend," Buttigieg said.

That's Lieutenant Alfred E. Newman to you Cadet Bone Spurs...

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Re: 2020 Presidential Candidates: Pete Buttigieg

Post by BoSoxGal »

He is such an impressive guy.

If nothing else, Mayor Pete serves as an example or principled adherence to once widely recognized norms of decency, and his time on the national stage will continue to remind the American people of who we are supposed to be.
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2020 Presidential Candidates: Pete Buttigieg

Post by RayThom »

BoSoxGal wrote:He is such an impressive guy.

If nothing else, Mayor Pete serves as an example or principled adherence to once widely recognized norms of decency, and his time on the national stage will continue to remind the American people of who we are supposed to be.
Mayor Pete is the future of America -- whether this election or next.

The voice of reason in an unreasonable time.

Steady the course.
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Re: 2020 Presidential Candidates: Pete Buttigieg

Post by Burning Petard »

I like him too. But I just cannot accept him as what I want for the next president. His executive and administrative experience just does not give me enough information. Some individuals rise to the challenge. H S Truman and Gerald Ford come to mind. Ford really fooled me. He had a long record of not quite being the top dog in any group he was working in. That is a big part of why he got the job. But once in place, he turned out to be much more than just a place holder. Jimmy Carter fooled me in the other direction. When he was running he looked very good to me. Once in office, he seemed to just bumble around. POTUS is a job like no other. Hard to say just how a particular individual will work out. Biden is too old and I think he would be a wimp in office, like Carter. Kamala Harris's record as prosecuting attorney in California scares me. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are just too old.

But I can hope. It is a long road to the conventions next year.


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Re: 2020 Presidential Candidates: Pete Buttigieg

Post by Joe Guy »

The bar has been lowered so much that even someone like Alec Baldwin would look like a better candidate than Donald Trump...


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2020 Presidential Candidates: Pete Buttigieg

Post by RayThom »

Jimmy Carter used the presidency as a stepping stone to greatness, making the world a better place... one home at a time.

And he's still working the program.

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Re: 2020 Presidential Candidates: Pete Buttigieg

Post by BoSoxGal »

If Hillary had been elected, she’d presumably be enjoying her party’s support for a second term, which would begin in her 73rd year of life.

Elizabeth Warren will be 71 when she is inaugurated. She’s in great shape and works hard in the office and on the campaign trail.

I don’t think she’s too old. If Bernie or Biden can endure a punishing presidential campaign and get elected, they’re not too old either - the sharpness of their minds is evident in the way they speak and behave. I work with old people and some are incredibly sharp well into their 90s, while others start exhibiting significant cognitive decline in their 70s - like the current WH occupant. I’m uncomfortable with the ageism that keeps coming up in the conversation about 2020; as long as the older nominee doesn’t pull a McCain and choose a moron as running mate, the age should not be all that relevant.
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2020 Presidential Candidates: Pete Buttigieg

Post by RayThom »

More Mayor Pete.

Any press is good press -- as long as you spell the name right.

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Re: 2020 Presidential Candidates: Pete Buttigieg

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Re: 2020 Presidential Candidates: Pete Buttigieg

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Delivering a foreign policy speech

He starts talking at about 36:00.
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2020 Presidential Candidates: Pete Buttigieg

Post by RayThom »

Amazing. Ten flags on stage and he didn't grope one of them.
The 2019 Iowa Democratic caucuses results:

Twenty-four percent of Iowa’s likely Democratic caucus-goers say former vice president Biden is their first choice for president. Sanders, a Vermont senator, is the first choice for 16% of poll respondents, while Warren, a Massachusetts senator, and Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, Indiana, are at 15% and 14% respectively.

No other candidate cracks double digits. California Sen. Kamala Harris comes closest at 7%, and other numbers within the poll indicate some underlying strengths for her.

Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar and former Texas Congressman Beto O’Rourke are at 2%.
Sanders' message is becoming dated and trite. Biden, while still on top, appears to be slipping -- almost like he's not trying.

The first tier of the Democratic debates on June 26 & 27 will surely separate the wheat from the chaff. I'm starting to feel a Warren/Bootigieg race is not as strange as it once sounded. Although such a match up is exciting and inspiring, would they achieve the momentum needed to beat our Bozo-in-Chief? Bigly sad if it does not.

Every single vote is going to matter for the Dems in 2020 in order to avert a tragedy, and constitutional crisis.
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Re: 2020 Presidential Candidates: Pete Buttigieg

Post by rubato »

Joe Guy wrote:The bar has been lowered so much that even someone like Alec Baldwin would look like a better candidate than Donald Trump...
The bar is in the crawlspace


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Re: 2020 Presidential Candidates: Pete Buttigieg

Post by Econoline »

RayThom wrote:I'm starting to feel a Warren/Bootigieg race is not as strange as it once sounded. Although such a match up is exciting and inspiring, would they achieve the momentum needed to beat our Bozo-in-Chief? Bigly sad if it does not.
Trump has *ONLY* what's left of his 2016 base (33%-38% at most?)—plus whatever they can steal through Russian ratfucking and gerrymandered mapfucking. So far as I can tell, there is *NO* hidden, latent reserve of voters who didn't vote for him in 2016, but have looked at his performance in office and said "Damn, he's doing such a good job, he's won me over!"

So yeah, every single vote is going to matter, and every single suppressed vote is going to matter...but if every Hillary Clinton voter (plus, ideally, every Jill Stein voter) votes Democratic, and if some of the "Why vote? They're all the same" crowd join in (especially in MI/WI/PA), that should do it. Converting Trumpistas to Democrats should matter not at all; increasing voter turnout should matter quite a bit.
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Re: 2020 Presidential Candidates: Pete Buttigieg

Post by Crackpot »

Err gerrymandering don’t really effect presidential and statewide races. (Outside of general disenfranchisement which is already lessened due to presidential elections)
Okay... There's all kinds of things wrong with what you just said.

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Re: 2020 Presidential Candidates: Pete Buttigieg

Post by Scooter »

Pete Buttigieg clears the commander in chief bar

On Tuesday, South Bend, Ind. Mayor Pete Buttigieg gave his first major foreign policy speech of the primary season. He deserves high praise for willingness to devote a full speech to the topic, speak for more than an hour, cover not simply major themes but hit issues affecting each continent and direct even-handed criticism at both Democrats and Republicans.

Buttigieg appeared to have taken inspiration from the best of center-left foreign policy thinking and made it his own. The recent Center for American Progress report’s findings seemed to be incorporated throughout the speech: An emphasis on responsible leadership, but use of force only as a last resort; a commitment to alliances that make us stronger; a connection between American values and prosperity; and our role in the world. He structured his speech around the three key components of his foreign policy thinking — our values, our interests and our alliances.

He is no left-wing isolationist. He said quite plainly that “the world needs America more than ever,” and while declaring the country in need of a new foreign policy, he showed he has smartly sifted through past experience and extracted lessons both good and bad. He condemned the Iraq War but stated forcefully this should not to discredit acting with force. Rather the United States should set a high bar — “exceedingly” high when we act alone — and to have a plan for post-fighting. He provided tight restraints on the use of force: Our our core interests must be at stake and there must be no alternative. He called this the difference between “Normandy and Saigon.” However, the hard work, as he surely knows, comes in dozens of situations in between.

Buttigieg outlined a number of key concepts: “End” long wars (how, he did not say), combat the rise of authoritarianism, treat climate change as an existential threat, update international institutions and bring ordinary citizens into the debate.

He briefly (sometimes with humor) and harshly criticized President Trump’s foreign policy but indirectly warned his Democratic competitors, “It’s not enough to say you won’t conduct foreign policy by tweet.”

His best passages came in his call for Congress to step up to the plate, no longer relying on the authorization for use of military force approved after 9/11, but to make decisions and exercise oversight; in an explanation of the connection between our values and our national interests; and in a clear description of how our conduct at home (functional government, support for a free press, a robust economy) gives us credibility and strength abroad.

On nuclear nonproliferation, Buttigieg promised to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal (though under what conditions he didn’t say), advised he wouldn’t be “sending love letters with a brutal dictator,” and suggested something less than North Korea’s complete denuclearization — perhaps a step-by-step process — could be in order. (For now, he stressed that sanctions should remain in place.)

Buttigieg sneered at Trump’s Russia policy, saying it is not a “real estate deal.” He promised diplomatic, economic and cyber responses to interference with our elections and gave full-throated support to NATO.

He also stressed the need to expand, not cut, aid to unstable areas (e.g., Central America), and to develop a China policy that allows cooperation on some issues, but staunch defense of our interests without a “tit-for-tat” trade war.

He raised domestic terrorism to a high priority, noting that more Americans had been killed by right-wing extremists than by Islamist terrorists over the last decade. (He also sneaked in praise for the 38-year-old prime minister of New Zealand, who responded so effectively to the mass shootings at two Christchurch mosques in March).

As one might expect, Buttigieg spent considerable time on climate change, urging that we not only rejoin the Paris agreement, but also step up efforts at home and internationally to address the issue, which has real consequences at home in the form of extreme weather.

He was restrained but critical on Israel. He reaffirmed our support for the Jewish state as an “essential tenet” of U.S. foreign policy, but maintained that one can be a good friend of Israel yet disagree with the positions of its “right-wing government,” as he described it. He forcefully reaffirmed a two-state solution and warned (vaguely) that if Israel annexed the West Bank, U.S. taxpayers “won’t foot the bill."

On defense spending, he adopted a different approach from those on the left counseling for cuts in national security. Instead, he spoke of the need to reorient defense dollars for contemporary challenges such as cyberwarfare.

It is perhaps unfair to nitpick a serious, long and reasoned speech on foreign policy when so many other candidates have refused to provide more than an applause line. Sure, it was not without problems. Some topics — such as doing away with the electoral college — did not need to be thrown into a foreign policy speech. “Ending long wars” is easier said than done. However, this is a mature, informed and clear-eyed candidate who is not swept away by left-wing isolationism.

A candidate who can identify, not to mention analyze, the rise of illiberal regimes as a threat to our interests and can find Sudan and Algeria on the map, let alone speak intelligently about them, deserves praise. A candidate willing to explain that immigration is a national security issue because we want and need the talent of those seeking to come here to help innovate and contribute to the economy should get credit. A Democrat forcefully defending the good that the United States does in the world deserves encouragement. He set a high bar for other candidates. Let’s see how they match up.
It's probably more than anything a sign of how low the presidency has sunk, when being able to find countries on a map is seen as setting a "high bar". But it was a really good speech; if you have an hour it's worth a listen.
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Re: 2020 Presidential Candidates: Pete Buttigieg

Post by wesw »

crackpot, truth and logic are not welcome on the left.

be careful or you will become their enemy.

the left is absolutely corrupt and dishonest.

walk away.

run away.

stand for free speech.

you are the press, speak freely and damn the consequences, or just keep your head down, just don t stand with the senseless fascism of the left.

you are the govt.

think freely.

fuck big brother.

live free or die.

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Re: 2020 Presidential Candidates: Pete Buttigieg

Post by ex-khobar Andy »

(From Scooter's post:)

He raised domestic terrorism to a high priority, noting that more Americans had been killed by right-wing extremists than by Islamist terrorists over the last decade.
Quite so: but I would merely note that the Islamic terrorists who killed all those people on 9/11, plus ISIS, are also 'right-wing extremists.'

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Re: 2020 Presidential Candidates: Pete Buttigieg

Post by Lord Jim »

truth and logic are not welcome on the left...

...the left is absolutely corrupt and dishonest...

stand for free speech.
A Trump supporter claiming to care about logic, truth, corruption, dishonesty, and free speech...



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Re: 2020 Presidential Candidates: Pete Buttigieg

Post by wesw »

exibit A, above.

logic and reason have given way too memes and gifs.

open borders, baby killing and censorship....

....good luck with that in 2020.

maybe the 9 year old trans boy sniffing DMT on the couch is your cup of tea, but it don t play well out in America.

Hollywood is evil.

I won t provide the link, but you can find it if you want.

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