Getting vaccinated

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Re: Getting vaccinated

Post by Bicycle Bill »


Yes, the boat hit the iceberg, but putting the children in lifeboats is the most destructive thing imaginable to their psyche.  It's time for us to stop all this evacuation talk and just complete the voyage.

Yes, the first seven watertight compartments are now flooded with frigid North Atlantic sea water, but it's time for us to stop being ruled by our fears and get back to our normally scheduled travel.  We MUST open the shuffleboard courts on the Lido Deck!

(read the rest here....)
Yes, I suppose I could agree with you ... but then we'd both be wrong, wouldn't we?

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Re: Getting vaccinated

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Sarcasm and parody are always welcome on this board.


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Re: Getting vaccinated

Post by BoSoxGal »

For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.
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Re: Getting vaccinated

Post by Burning Petard »

BSG,you tricked me into going back and looking at the comments. I really like the reasonableness of one of them:

Honestly it really is sad that people experience our convoluted, expensive healthcare system, soaring rent, lack of childcare etc, and think “this is normal” but gas prices go up or bread is sold out and they’re like “the president did this to me and must immediately take action”


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Re: Getting vaccinated

Post by BoSoxGal »

My anguish was over comments to a Boston Globe article about the safety of covid19 vaccination in pregnant women, who when unvaccinated are dying in alarmingly high numbers after infection.

The stupidity and lack of care for one’s neighbors extends to the (allegedly) smartest and wisest among us:
Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch (right) has refused to wear a mask in court despite pleas from Chief Justice John Roberts, according to a report. Last fall, amid a decline in Covid-19 cases, the court resumed in-person arguments for the first time, and none chose to wear a mask except Justice Sonia Sotomayor (left), who is 67 and has diabetes. But earlier this month when the court returned to the bench following the Omicron surge over the holidays, Sotomayor made it clear she did not feel safe in close proximity with the others unless they were masked. Roberts then reportedly asked the other justices to mask up so that Sotomayor could return, but Gorsuch, who sits directly next to her, remained obstinate. Sotomayor has thus continued to join court business by phone and has not stepped back into the court (she is missing from a court sketch, inset). The rules are far more strict for those in the chamber who don't rank as justices. Reporters and lawyers are required to wear N95 masks and test negative for Covid-19. The court could not be reached for comment on Gorsuch's mask wearing, but Mike Davis, Gorsuch's former law clerk, responded on Twitter: 'Every justice is vaccinated and boosted. Don't vaccines work? We know cloth masks don't.'
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Re: Getting vaccinated

Post by ex-khobar Andy »

Sotomayor and Gorsuch appear to be denying the reports. Per NYT:
WASHINGTON — In an unusual joint statement on Wednesday, Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Neil M. Gorsuch sought to rebut reports that Justice Gorsuch’s refusal to wear a mask at Supreme Court arguments has created tensions between them.

“Reporting that Justice Sotomayor asked Justice Gorsuch to wear a mask surprised us,” the statement said. “It is false. While we may sometimes disagree about the law, we are warm colleagues and friends.”
Doesn't alter the fact that I think Gorsuch is being a jerk if in fact he does refuse to wear a mask. Nina Totenberg who made the initial report usually gets it right. Totenberg was famously a good friend of Ruth Bader Ginsburg so maybe she has lost, with RBG's sad passing, her best SCOTUS source.

Edited to correct a syntactical error.

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Re: Getting vaccinated

Post by TPFKA@W »

I got a booster, in the style de moderna, it turned out hitting me harder than the previous 2 jabs. I declare that I am not getting any more in the future. My ex DON and multiple former coworkers have all got the covid again after thrice receiving the jab, with DON reporting that covid the second was as bad as the first. I am done.

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Re: Getting vaccinated

Post by BoSoxGal »

So this story is all over the news in my neck of the woods today. I propose that the articles should be headlined ‘Man commits suicide rather than get vaccinated against covid19’

Unvaccinated man denied heart transplant by Boston hospital

I just renewed my license - got my Real ID - and recommitted to organ donation as I have done since age 18. I would expect my heart and any other viable organs to be given to people who would cherish the gift appropriately, by following all medical advice and doing everything possible to keep those organs functioning as long as possible in their bodies.

How does this guy not grasp that his immune system can’t work for him after a transplant?! His immune system will be shut down by immunosuppressive drugs so he doesn’t reject the donor organ. He needs vaccinations ahead of time to have any hope of fighting off a post surgical infection. How is it that he trusts the brilliant surgeons at Brigham to save his life via transplant but doesn’t trust their advice on vaccinations?! The cognitive dissonance is astounding.

And FUCK him for orphaning his children unnecessarily. Selfish prick. FREEDUMB!!
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Re: Getting vaccinated

Post by Bicycle Bill »

Yes, I suppose I could agree with you ... but then we'd both be wrong, wouldn't we?

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Re: Getting vaccinated

Post by MGMcAnick »

I was at breakfast gathering the other morning. There were two guys I know at the next table. One was spouting antivax BS to the other. He said the vaccines are experimental, unproven. I couldn't help but overhear, and comment.

I told him that all medical studies have a control group that doesn't get the medicine. He's part of the control group, and in his case, the control group is the one that can get covid and DIE.

He got up and walked off.
A friend of Doc's, one of only two B-29 bombers still flying.

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Re: Getting vaccinated

Post by ex-khobar Andy »

Interesting news from the chess tournament in Wijk aan Zee (Netherlands). It's a round robin tournament with 14 of the world's strongest players, including world champ Magnus Carlsen of Norway. (After 12 rounds Magnus is leading.). One of the invited participants is/was Russian Daniil Dubov currently ranked #24 in the world. (Some of the top guys for whatever reason could not make it.). One of Dubov's coaches tested positive for Covid on the morning of round 7 so Dubov was asked to wear a mask for his game against Anish Giri. Dubov refused to wear a mask 'on principle' and did not show up for the match so it was awarded to Giri by default. During the day Dubov took an antibody test which was negative, so he was allowed to complete rounds 8 through 10 with no mask. Then today he tested positive so he dropped out of the rest of the tournament and those he was due to play in rounds 11 12 and 13 were awarded the points.

So Dubov's 'principle' meant that he possibly picked up the virus on day 7 and for three days he had too little a viral load to test positive. During this time he may well have been somewhat infective and was not wearing a mask. It will be interesting to see whether any others of the chess fraternity will become infected.

In other sporting news, the BBC has been following the Novak Djokovic story. You will recall that he tried to get an exemption to play unvaccinated in the Australian Open, on the grounds that he had had a very conveniently timed positive test in December, followed by a negative test but not enough time for a vaccination. He was eventually tossed out of Australia because the feds didn't buy it although the (Victoria) state authorities were willing to let him in. Djokovic's certificates for the tests appear to be out of the number sequence which all certs in Serbia appear to follow which certainly suggests some jiggery pokery either by him or by the Serbian government. Stay tuned.

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Re: Getting vaccinated

Post by Guinevere »

So much fuss over a little prick….
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Re: Getting vaccinated

Post by Econoline »

People who are wrong are just as sure they're right as people who are right. The only difference is, they're wrong.
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Re: Getting vaccinated

Post by BoSoxGal »

A Washington State trooper who had to retire early because he refused to get the vaccine despite the state mandate and signed off his final shift by telling Governor Jay Inslee to ‘kiss my a**’, has died of Covid. ... ID-19.html
This guy was only 51 years old - my age. He sure showed Inslee, didn’t he?

These suicides are really heartbreaking.
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Re: Getting vaccinated

Post by Big RR »

They save a lot on his pension.

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Re: Getting vaccinated

Post by BoSoxGal »

Patient declines COVID vaccine at the expense of a lifesaving kidney transplant: ‘I was born free, I’ll die free’

"It's about standing up for our rights and understanding that we have a choice."

January 31, 2022 | 1:57 PM
By Julian Mark, Washington Post

For more than four years, Chad Carswell, 38, has suffered from severe kidney disease. In July 2020, he started on dialysis — but now his kidneys are functioning at just 4 percent.

In an interview with The Washington Post, Carswell said he recently applied for a kidney transplant but was turned down because he has not received a coronavirus vaccine. And, despite his hospital’s requirements that organ recipients be vaccinated against the virus, he’s refusing the shots.

Carswell, of Hickory, N.C., acknowledged his condition is a “ticking time bomb,” and said he’s living every day as though it’s his last. Still, he will not take a coronavirus vaccine – even if that means losing out on a potentially lifesaving transplant.

“There is not a situation in this world that I’ll get a vaccine,” he told The Post. “If I’m laying on my deathbed, and they tell me, ‘You have a kidney waiting on you if you get this shot,’ I’ll tell them, ‘I’ll see you on the other side.'”

Carswell is not the only unvaccinated person on a transplant wait list to be denied an organ. Last week, the family of D.J. Ferguson said Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital denied him a heart transplant because he refused to take a coronavirus vaccine, the Associated Press reported. In October, a Colorado hospital said it would deny a kidney transplant to a woman unless she got vaccinated against the coronavirus.

In both cases, the hospitals cited policies that require all transplant recipients to get vaccinated because of research that shows such patients are at a higher risk of dying from covid-19. Studies estimate the mortality rate of transplant patients who contract covid-19 at about 20 to 30 percent, The Post reported.

Brigham and Women’s, which recently drew criticism for denying Ferguson’s heart transplant over his vaccination status, said in a statement that there are more than 100,000 patients waiting for organs, and about half do not receive one in five years.

“Given the shortage of available organs, we do everything we can to ensure that a patient who receives a transplanted organ has the greatest chance of survival,” the hospital said. It also cited guidance from the American Society of Transplant Surgeons and other organizations that recommend patients receive coronavirus vaccines before undergoing transplants.

Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist, the hospital where Carswell was hoping to receive his transplant, declined to comment on his case. In a statement to The Post, a spokeswoman said the hospital’s vaccine policy is meant to protect transplant patients, who are at high risk for severe illness from covid-19.

“[Our] policy follows the current standard of care in the United States, which is to vaccinate all patients on waiting lists or being evaluated for transplant,” the statement read, which added: “We understand that some patients may not wish to be vaccinated. In this case, patients can opt to be evaluated at another transplant center.”

Carswell told The Post that he has had long history of health problems. After he was diagnosed with Type II diabetes, Carswell said he developed infections and other complications in his legs, both of which had to be amputated. He’s had covid twice, he said — once in November 2020 and again this past September, which landed him in the hospital for a short time.

For the last four and a half years, Carswell said, he’s battled stage-four kidney disease, and he went on dialysis in 2020 when his kidney function started to rapidly decline. For the last several months, Carswell said, he’s been looking for a new kidney and found numerous people willing to give him one.

It wasn’t until an appointment about three weeks ago, he said, that a doctor told him he needed a coronavirus vaccine to be eligible for a transplant. The doctor also told him his kidney donor would need to be vaccinated as well.

That was a problem for Carswell, who said he does not want to be forced to get the shot. He added that he doesn’t believe in conspiracy theories about the vaccines, but remains skeptical about how they were developed.

Coronavirus vaccines have passed rigorous safety reviews and are effective in preventing serious illness and deaths. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends anyone over the age of 5 take a coronavirus vaccine.

But for Carswell, getting a shot comes down to personal choice, he said

“It’s about standing up for our rights and understanding that we have a choice,” he said.

Carswell said he knows that by refusing to get vaccinated, the donor kidney he so desperately needs will remain out of reach. But he said he is willing to accept the consequences, even it costs him his life.

“I was born free,” Carswell added. “I’ll die free.”
I think what he meant to say is that he was born stupid, and gonna die still stupid.
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Re: Getting vaccinated

Post by Joe Guy »

“I was born free,” Carswell added. “I’ll die free.”
BoSoxGal wrote:
Mon Jan 31, 2022 9:06 pm
I think what he meant to say is that he was born stupid, and gonna die still stupid.
“It’s about standing up for our rights and understanding that we have a choice,” he said.
This is America! The right to choose to be stupid cannot be denied.

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Re: Getting vaccinated

Post by Bicycle Bill »

There's an old proverb about how it's an ill wind that blows no one any good.  Every time that someone who shares his sentiments also shares his fate, the average intelligence of the American public increases by a couple hundred-thousandths of a percentage point, and eventually the people who can REALLY "Make America Great Again" will get their chance.
Yes, I suppose I could agree with you ... but then we'd both be wrong, wouldn't we?

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Re: Getting vaccinated

Post by Scooter »

"If you don't have a seat at the table, you're on the menu."

-- Author unknown

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Re: Getting vaccinated

Post by ex-khobar Andy »

They were playing Russia (not some joke team) and the Russians took their masks off for the third period. Go Team Canada!

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