Witch hunt

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Witch hunt

Post by Gob »

Every so often an event occurs that reveals the stranglehold of transgender ideology on our schools and society. One such event happened recently at the girls' secondary where I teach.

An 18-year-old pupil who dared to question the ideology was surrounded and shouted at by a group of fellow sixth formers in an incident that forced her to leave the school.

Her crime? To suggest to a visiting baroness from the House of Lords that transgender-sceptical views, such as the belief that biological sex is real, deserve balanced debate.

It was probably naïve of the girl not to realise that to disagree, however respectfully, with transgender ideology is not allowed in much of our education system today. To question its basic tenets is heresy and heretics need to be exposed, attacked and got rid of. Even if they are such notable figures as J.K.Rowling. These tenets sometimes include the trans language that women are 'uterus havers', 'people with vaginas', or 'chest-feeders'. And the concept that the birth sex of male and female is a myth.

After daring to challenge the baroness, who had joined a sixth form transgender rights' discussion, up to 60 other pupils gathered round the girl and verbally attacked her.

This week, it was revealed that a teenage girl was hounded out of a private Home Counties school for questioning why transgender beliefs are not debated more openly

They screamed abuse so loudly that she ran away from them to escape, before collapsing unable to breathe properly with the shock of it all. By the next day, tales about the incident spread down to lower years. I was told by one of my younger pupils during an individual lesson that a sixth form girl had been saying horrible transphobic things.

It was chilling to witness first-hand how this ideology had rooted and grown in my school. What is known these days as a 'woke pile-on' had taken place.

Otherwise perfectly nice and agreeable sixth formers had colluded and congregated to show they were on the moral high ground, the 'right side of history'. Any waverers got the clearest message about what would happen to them if they didn't conform. Initially, the girl won support from the sixth form head. But after sustained pressure from the attackers, this teacher changed her position.

She publicly apologised for not providing a 'safe space' for them. In a pronouncement to her pupils (which I believe was written or approved by senior management) she said hate speech in the school was unacceptable.

Little was mentioned of the right to free speech. The girl, who after the incident had been asked to work alone in the library (for her own safety), says she was later told by the head: 'How can the testimony of an entire group of other students be wrong? I have to support them, too.'

Sadly this sort of affair will be repeated again and again if we fail to see what the ideology is — and the way it operates. It is not that any individual is particularly to blame. The sixth form head was almost broken in two by the aftermath of the attack on the girl.

She was in an untenable position, in a sense a victim herself.
When Dr Anne Anderson sat at her computer on a March evening last year to host one of her usually well-received lectures, she was relieved to see that about 50 people had signed up for her online chat on Scandinavian design.

Her previous talk, delivered in conjunction with the Arts Society, had been a different story: with the nation gripped by the broadcast interview given by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to chat show host Oprah Winfrey, in which they accused the Royal Family of racism and wrongdoing, Anne had struggled to attract double figures.

With that in mind, 65-year-old Anne cracked a joke, saying that she hoped attendance would be better now she didn't have to compete with the 'dreaded Meghan'.

It was the start of a brief, good-natured exchange with subscribers in which the academic observed that 'you couldn't turn the television on without some person of a colourful' (by which she meant excitable) 'disposition having a moan about something'.

It didn't seem to Anne that anyone was upset by this view at the time.

'The interesting thing was that people seemed to agree with me. I remember one woman said she was terribly disappointed in the whole affair, and someone else was critical of the Sussexes making their claims when people were suffering such a lot because of the pandemic,' Anne recalls now.

Not quite everyone, though. One lady in particular — a white, middle-aged woman — reported Anne to the Arts Society, telling them she considered her comment to be 'racist'. The first Anne heard of it was when she received a brusque email two days later, telling her she had been suspended for using 'non-inclusive' language.

It was the start of a chilling few months which culminated in Anne's 27-year-long status as an accredited lecturer for the organisation being removed on the basis that she was a 'risk'.

As a result, she has lost three-quarters of her income and endured many sleepless nights replaying the events of that fateful evening over and over. At one point, she was also facing the possibility that she had cancer.

'It was enormously stressful and upsetting,' she says.

All this, even though she immediately offered to apologise if she had unwittingly caused offence.
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Re: Witch hunt

Post by Scooter »

Mental masturbation day again so soon?
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Re: Witch hunt

Post by Gob »

Ah, such an eloquent, concise, and thoughtful rebuttal.
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Re: Witch hunt

Post by MajGenl.Meade »

Are you allowed to say "rebuttal"?
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Re: Witch hunt

Post by BoSoxGal »

Finland and Sweden have just applied to join NATO. Know what else they have in common? Both countries recently barred the use of puberty blockers in trans identifying children.

Clearly they should be rejected by NATO and should be forced to align with Putin instead.
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Re: Witch hunt

Post by Gob »

Now THAT's what you call a strawman!!!

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Re: Witch hunt

Post by BoSoxGal »

Scooter, do you honestly not have one single bit of concern over how all of this is unfolding?

My personal experience is what is guiding me in my concern. When I went into surgically induced perimenopause following a partial oopherectomy, my health crashed within months. I suffered a whole host of very serious issues which took physicians years to properly sort out, and they were all linked in some way to the massive sudden change in hormone levels - I’m without doubt about this since most of these issues have largely resolved since going on hormone replacement therapy. I’ve got some permanent neurological damage linked to a long-standing vitamin deficiency that was absorption related and linked directly to hormone imbalances, and some other issues that will take a long time to heal from, but I’m on the way. Along the way of this illness journey I was reminded again how cocksure medical doctors are in the face of very limited knowledge - it’s a hallmark of most in the profession and is linked to the formation of medical science (the history of which is fascinating) and the hard sell for generations which has always emphasized persuading patients that doctor knows best when in truth doctor often knows very little.

Until the late 1980s doctors routinely performed invasive operations on infants up the age of 15 months without any anesthesia or pain medication. Why? Because doctors were convinced, it was the collective certainty of the medical profession, that newborns and infants up to that age FELT NO PAIN. Can you believe that?! It’s true! Google will prove my assertion correct.

Hormone blockers are thought to diminish bone density and growth and to cause infertility, the most serious of the side effects of the drugs and which may be irreversible. I’d always thought that these drugs were only given after long-standing intensive therapy for gender dysphoria and related depression, anxiety etc. but apparently that’s not the case - the drugs are becoming a first response to a child’s expression of gender dysphoria. I do find that very problematic given my own knowledge and experience of medicine and how little care often goes into treatment. I would sure be reluctant to jump feet first into the treatment with a child of my own if I had one, without first ensuring that my child got extensive psychological supports to explore their trans identifying behaviors and feelings.

These concerns about the negative physical effects of puberty blockers are behind the bar against them in Finland and Sweden, by the way.

There does seem to be a social media influence to this whole trans identifying movement and the rapid growth in the numbers of kids identifying as trans. I recognize I put myself into the firing line for serious criticism for having and expressing these concerns, but I don’t think they are invalid.
Last edited by BoSoxGal on Sat May 21, 2022 12:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Witch hunt

Post by BoSoxGal »

Gob wrote:
Sat May 21, 2022 11:56 am
Now THAT's what you call a strawman!!!

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Premature ejaculation.
For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.
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Re: Witch hunt

Post by Gob »

The peer embroiled in a row over an 18-year-old girl who was reportedly hounded out of her school for defending the right to question transgender ideology has backed the teenager’s right to disagree with her.

Britain’s ‘cancel culture’ crisis was pulled into sharp focus last week when it was claimed that the A-level student had been branded a ‘heretic’ for questioning pro-trans remarks made by the member of the House of Lords when she visited the school.

The sixth-former was reportedly subjected to a verbal ‘pile-on’ by up to 60 students after debating her views with the peer during a questions-and-answers session at the private school in the Home Counties.

Last night, the Baroness – who The Mail on Sunday is not naming to protect the identity of the student – said she felt she had parted on amicable terms with the pupil.

‘I spoke about a wide range of human rights issues,’ the peer said. ‘One young woman challenged some of my views and was treated with the same courtesy as everyone else who took part.’

She added: ‘I was not aware of any consequences from our interactions and thought that we had parted on amicable terms.’

Insisting the young woman had ‘the right to make her views known’, the Baroness joined politicians and advocates who have said the girl should have been free to argue her case

Among them is Harry Potter author J. K. Rowling, who last week condemned the ‘utterly shameful treatment’ of the sixth-former by students gripped by ‘quasi-religious fanaticism’.

The Baroness’s comments may bring some comfort to the 18-year-old, whose experience was highlighted by one of her teachers on the Transgender Trends website.

Yesterday, the girl told The Times: ‘It made me think I was mad. Otherwise how could people turn on me so bitterly?’

Education Secretary Nadhim Zahawi described the row as ‘hugely concerning’.

It is understood that the school disputes the version of events outlined in the media.
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Re: Witch hunt

Post by Jarlaxle »

BoSoxGal wrote:
Sat May 21, 2022 12:09 pm
Scooter, do you honestly not have one single bit of concern over how all of this is unfolding?
I truly do not think he does.
There does seem to be a social media influence to this whole trans identifying movement and the rapid growth in the numbers of kids identifying as trans. I recognize I put myself into the firing line for serious criticism for having and expressing these concerns, but I don’t think they are invalid.
They're not...but doctors do not dare say anything, because they run the very real risk of being ruined.
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Re: Witch hunt

Post by MajGenl.Meade »

BoSoxGal wrote:
Sat May 21, 2022 12:09 pm
There does seem to be a social media influence to this whole trans identifying movement and the rapid growth in the numbers of kids identifying as trans. I recognize I put myself into the firing line for serious criticism for having and expressing these concerns, but I don’t think they are invalid.
Well said.

Fad-huggers everywhere cannot tolerate truth or even discussion of truth. Children are particularly vulnerable to those who prey on insecurity and believe that they are the only arbiters of reality. Or in some cases, they don't believe there is a reality to arbit. Any opposing view is phobic, they declare as they foam at the mouth.
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Re: Witch hunt

Post by liberty »

My wife and I have this little Chihuahua; he acts ferocious like a little tiger, but he’s a Sissy. I tease my wife by saying that her having him castrated has turned him into a girl dog. I have changed my mind; I now tell my wife that I think he is a female cat in a dog’s body. Since she had his balls cut off we should do the right thing and fix the problem. We need to find a cat donor to donate a cat vagina, so he’ll truly be what he is. :lol: :lol:
I expected to be placed in an air force combat position such as security police, forward air control, pararescue or E.O.D. I would have liked dog handler. I had heard about the dog Nemo and was highly impressed. “SFB” is sad I didn’t end up in E.O.D.

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