Did Nazi that coming

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Did Nazi that coming

Post by Scooter »

'I like Hitler': Kanye West doubles down on hate speech on Alex Jones' Infowars show

As he continues his rapid descent into sheer craziness, Kanye West went on a new anti-Semitic rant during an appearance with Infowars host Alex Jones on Thursday.

If he has a mute button, it’s broken. And if you’ve been at all on the fence about West and the endless stream of crap that seems to come out of his mouth, it’s time to get off. If your kids own a pair of Yeezys, it’s time to throw them in the trash.

“Every human being has something of value that they’ve brought to the table — especially [Adolf] Hitler,” the controversial rapper said, doubling down on racist rants he made on social media last month. “Also Hitler was born Christian.”

“I see good things about Hitler, also,” West spewed when Jones tried to clarify he’s not a Nazi sympathizer. “I love everyone. Jewish people are not going to tell me you can love us, and you can love what we’re doing to you with the contracts, and you can love what we’re pushing with the pornography. But this guy that invented highways, invented the very microphone that I use as a musician, you can’t say out loud that this person ever did anything good, and I’m done with that. I’m done with the classifications.”

Wearing a black hood, West went on to blame the “Jewish media” for making it seem “like the Nazis and Hitler have never offered anything to the world.”

“I don’t like the word evil next to Nazis,” West said, continuing to torch what little is left of his career. “I love Jewish people, but I also love Nazis.”

Jones, who was ordered to pay over $1 billion to the families of Sandy Hook massacre victims earlier this month, burst into laughter and said, “I have to disagree with that,” before calling the conversation, “absolutely lit.”

When Jones said that West had a “Hitler fetish,” West replied: “I like Hitler.” Elsewhere in his appearance, West mocked Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu, questioned the Holocaust (“[Hitler] didn’t kill six million Jews. That’s just factually incorrect”), and praised Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Tagging along to watch the once talented music-maker ruin his career once and for all was his goofy new pal Nick Fuentes, a prominent white nationalist and Holocaust denier with whom he had dinner at former U.S. President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort last week.

According to NBC reporter Ben Collins, who live-tweeted the interview, Jones did push back on West’s sentiments by saying, “I think most Jews are great people. But I agree there’s a Jewish mafia.”

Following the Infowars segment, Parler, which bills itself as a free-speech social media site, announced it was terminating a deal which would have seen West taking over the platform.

“Parlement Technologies has confirmed that the company has mutually agreed with Ye to terminate the intent of sale of Parler,” the company said in a statement to Variety.

Earlier this week, West, who now goes by the name Ye, stormed out of an interview with YouTuber Tim Pool after the commentator questioned him for saying the media is controlled by Jewish people.

West has been a non-stop fountain of controversy following an anti-Semitic rant he made on Twitter in which he railed he was about to go “death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE.” The outburst caused brands like Adidas, Gap and Balenciaga to sever ties with the Grammy winner.

With his financial losses mounting, and claims that the IRS has frozen his bank accounts, West reached out to Trump to seek advice. But with Fuentes tagging along, the dinner descended into what only can be described as an absurd comedy.

In a video posted to Twitter titled “Mar-a-Lago debrief,” West claimed Trump became angry when the musician, who announced he will run to become America’s commander-in-chief in 2024, asked him to be his running mate.

“I think the thing Trump was most perturbed about [was] me asking him to be my vice president,” West said. But, he added, “I think that was like, lower on the list of things that caught him off guard.”

The Stronger hitmaker claimed that Trump, who has also announced his bid for re-election in 2024, chastised West’s political ambitions, telling the Yeezy designer he would lose if he were to run in 2024.

“Trump started basically screaming at me at the table telling me I was going to lose. I mean has that ever worked for anyone in history?” West continued. “I’m like whoa hold on, hold on, hold on. Trump, you’re talking to Ye.”

In his video, Kanye went on to add that he “loves Trump” and said the former leader was “impressed by Nick Fuentes,” a noted racist. “Nick Fuentes, unlike so many of the lawyers and so many people that he was left with on his 2020 campaign, he’s actually a loyalist,” West said.

“This is a f—ing nightmare,” one longtime Trump adviser told NBC News about the dinner with West and Fuentes. “If people are looking at [Florida Gov. Ron] DeSantis to run against Trump, here’s another reason why.”

Meanwhile, Trump was reportedly left fuming after the dinner, claiming that West “tried to f—” him over.

“So I help a seriously troubled man, who just happens to be Black, Ye (Kanye West), who has been decimated in his business and virtually everything else, and who has always been good to me, by allowing his request for a meeting at Mar-a-Lago, alone, so that I can give him very much needed ‘advice,'” Trump wrote in a message posted to his Truth Social account. “He shows up with 3 people, two of which I didn’t know, the other a political person who I haven’t seen in years. I told him don’t run for office, a total waste of time, can’t win. Fake News went CRAZY!”
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Re: Did Nazi that coming

Post by BoSoxGal »

Apparently he’s been re-suspended from Twitter because he posted a star of David with a Nazi swastika in the center and labeled it his presidential campaign symbol.

Saw another story about former employees speaking despite NDAs and revealing he’s been hard on the antisemitism, Hitler love speech in the workplace for years now.
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Re: Did Nazi that coming

Post by ex-khobar Andy »

From the Guardian piece about his Twitter revocation:
Musk tweeted: “I tried my best. Despite that, he again violated our rule against incitement to violence. Account will be suspended.”
Um . . . wasn't the whole 'incitement to violence' thing the reason Trump was suspended from Twitter (Jan 9, 2001)? And wasn't this why Musk felt compelled to spend $43 billion on buying the company?

The man's a business genius.

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Re: Did Nazi that coming

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Ugh, this whole timeline couldn't be dumber if it was scripted by network sit-com writers from the '80s. Why does everything have to be so fucking stupid?

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Re: Did Nazi that coming

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When you're in a hole . . .

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Re: Did Nazi that coming

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Ah but Long Run, when you are convinced there is buried treasure . . . ?


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Re: Did Nazi that coming

Post by Econoline »

This was predictable. This was predicted.
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Re: Did Nazi that coming

Post by Scooter »

That the President of the United States felt it necessary to announce to the world that the Holocaust actually happened and that Hitler was evil, says more than I want to know about the collective mindset of a huge subset of Americans today
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Re: Did Nazi that coming

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This is why we can't have nice things.

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Re: Did Nazi that coming

Post by Long Run »

Maybe he just watched Patterns of Force too many times as a kid


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Re: Did Nazi that coming

Post by Scooter »

You had to know this was coming:

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Re: Did Nazi that coming

Post by Burning Petard »

Jim Wright of Stone Kettle finally came out of his four month break and published something today. I guess the trio of Ale Jones, Kanye West and Nick Fuentes pushed Mr. Wright (yes, Mister is his proper military title of address) into publishing for free. I honor his intent about quoting him and give you the remarks of one of his readers:

J. BudayDecember 1, 2022 at 4:28 PM
I worked for many years on construction sites and grew up in a very white rural place. I don't often speak redneck but I understand all the words.
And I have sure as hell been in the room when they are not speaking code. This is not the first time I've heard someone talk about "What Adolf got right." It's always been just right there. Just beyond hearing of the polite folk. On the other side of that closed door. The one that muffles the sound just enough that nice folk can pretend they don't understand.
Honestly, Donny may have done us a large. The fucking beast is out in the open now folks. It's going to awfully hard to pretend we never saw it (we will try) hard stuff back in the closet.
Maybe we will finally deal. I doubt it, but maybe.

I agree with J Buday. I hope too, but I doubt it. I wish I could afford to buy alot of .45 auto and .30-06 ammo, but I can't. A long time ago some one instructed his followers to pawn their extra coat and buy a weapon.


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Re: Did Nazi that coming

Post by BoSoxGal »

The beginning of the end of my love for my father came when he began spouting pro-Nazi rhetoric at the dinner table after I mentioned that I was reading the Diary of Anne Frank at school. I was horrified to hear him say that Hitler had only failed by not finishing the job. This was the start of a couple of decades of battle of wills before I finally just gave up and decided to spend my holidays with nicer people.

Interestingly I recently listened to an excellent podcast series by Rachel Maddow called Ultra, where she told the story of a bunch of Nazi sympathizer congressmen in the 1930s/40s who plotted to overthrow the US government and install a Hitler friendly regime, with assistance from the Nazis themselves. It’s a true story of American history that I certainly never learned in school. One aspect that really struck me was that the congressmen used the franking privileges they held as representatives and sent Nazi propaganda to millions of American citizens under the cover of their congressional offices. I’m betting that my father’s family was on the mailing list. And my father was very aware of the Protocols publication and a huge fan of Henry Ford, which I’m assuming he learned at his father’s knee as my father was born in 1932.

I’m just glad that sometimes apples bounce or get picked up by wildlife and get far removed from the tree.
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Re: Did Nazi that coming

Post by ex-khobar Andy »

Ford only recanted his known, and very public, antisemitism when he realized that Jews bought cars too and he was sealing himself off from that segment of the market. Whether he really recanted or just said that he had is certainly open to question. I just looked it up: he recanted his views - at least publicly, in 1927. But in 1938 he accepted an award from Nazi Germany, the Knight Grand Cross of the Golden Eagle.

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