Leicester City Council unprepared.

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Leicester City Council unprepared.

Post by Gob »

A worried member of the public has forced Leicester City Council to admit it is unprepared for a zombie invasion.

The authority received a Freedom of Information request which said provisions to deal with an attack, often seen in horror films, were poor.
The "concerned citizen" said the possibility of such an event was one that councils should be aware of.

"We've had a few wacky ones before but this one did make us laugh," said Lynn Wyeth, head of information governance.

The Freedom of Information Act allows a right of access to recorded information held by public authorities.
Zombie letter in full

Dear Leicester City Council,

Can you please let us know what provisions you have in place in the event of a zombie invasion? Having watched several films it is clear that preparation for such an event is poor and one that councils throughout the kingdom must prepare for.

Please provide any information you may have.

Yours faithfully,

Concerned Citizen
Ms Wyeth said she was unaware of any specific reference to a zombie attack in the council's emergency plan, however some elements of it could be applied if the situation arose.

Other submissions to the council have included requests for records of paranormal activity and haunted buildings within the city.

"To you it might seem frivolous and a waste of time... but to different people it actually means something," said Ms Wyeth.

"Everybody has their own interests and their own reasons for asking these questions."

She added high-profile cases, such as the MPs expenses scandal, has raised public awareness of the right to request information records.

Ed Thurlow, who runs zombie website Terror4Fun, said he felt a zombie invasion in Leicester was highly unlikely.

"I think perhaps [the "Concerned Citizen"] has watched films like 28 Days Later a few too many times."

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-le ... e-13713798
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Re: Leicester City Council unprepared.

Post by Scooter »

Ed Thurlow, who runs zombie website Terror4Fun, said he felt a zombie invasion in Leicester was highly unlikely.
I guess even zombies have better taste than that.
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Re: Leicester City Council unprepared.

Post by Rick »

I didn't think the folks in 28 Days later were zombies.

I thought they were viral crazed maniacs...
Sometimes it seems as though one has to cross the line just to figger out where it is


Re: Leicester City Council unprepared.

Post by @meric@nwom@n »

I am sick to death, no pun intended, of this Zombie crap.

Enough. Please move on to the next ridiculous pop culture craze.

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