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Post by Scooter »

Someone once asked whether there was such a thing as unnatural sex. I'm not a fan of bestiality laws per se, because they strike me as more an attempt to regulate morality than to address the real abuse of animals these acts represent, but this is just sick.
SEATTLE - A convicted cocaine smuggler has been arrested for running what authorities say appears to be a bestiality farm in Washington state in which visitors could engage in all sorts of twisted sex acts with animals.

Douglas Spink was arrested at his ramshackle, heavily wooded compound near the Canadian border along with a 51-year-old tourist from Great Britain who is accused of having sex with three dogs.

Dozens of dogs, horses and pet mice were seized, along with what investigators described as thousands of images of bestiality and apparent child pornography. The mice were euthanized, said Whatcom County Sheriff Bill Elfo, whose office assisted federal agents in the case.

"This stuff is just truly bizarre," he said. "These were mice that had their tails cut off, they were smothered in Vaseline and they had string tied around them."
Ooooh, there are some images forming that aren't at all pretty...
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The Hen
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Re: Ick!

Post by The Hen »

There are some very sick fucks out there.

How I would like to cut the odd couple of inches from the base of his spine.



Re: Ick!

Post by @meric@nwom@n »

Bleeeerrrrrrgggggg! Those poor animals.

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Re: Ick!

Post by Joe Guy »

Gob already brought this up in the General stuff & Tabloids, but this is probably a more appropriate forum for it.

So, are those mice supposed to crawl up someone's colon?

Nice idea having a leash on them. You wouldn't want the mouse crawling out your mouth after having been through your bottom end.

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Re: Ick!

Post by Gob »

The old story of faggot the hamster leaps to mind, I always thought it was apocryphal.
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Re: Ick!

Post by The Hen »

I wouldn't want a mouse crawling up my bottom end.

Who ever thought that was great for 'shits and giggles'.

Who would have been the first fucker to think, "Ohh! I wonder if it would feel good if I let this mouse crawl up my arse?"


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Re: Ick!

Post by Scooter »

Gob wrote:The old story of faggot the hamster leaps to mind, I always thought it was apocryphal.
I honestly always thought so as well.

But I'm finding it hard to find any other reason to slather a mouse with vaseline and tie a string around it.

Unless the intent was for the horses and dogs...

I'm going to throw up now :barf
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Re: Ick!

Post by The Hen »

Horses and dogs need sexual gratification as well!

(But I would have thought just from other horses and dogs.)


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Re: Ick!

Post by Scooter »

The Hen wrote:Horses and dogs need sexual gratification as well!
So Mr. Spink believes, apparently:
"Are we unconventional in our approach to stallion care? Absolutely," he writes.

He later adds: "We don't wall off sexual energy in our stallions as something dangerous or inappropriate, but rather channel that energy towards positive, safe, appropriate paths. There's a proper time and place for it, and we work towards those sorts of skills rather than fighting un-winnable fights against deeply-rooted instincts."
Whose deeply rooted instincts, I wonder...
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Re: Ick!

Post by Gob »

Ah, the wonder of the internet eh? If it wasn't for the internet how would we learn about the amazing spectrum of human perversion?

Bye the bye, I first saw a beastality video on 8 mm film at a bachelor party back in 1977. Some bird sucking off a horse, it looked like it was made in the early 60's.

It still gave me an inferiority problem for months.
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Re: Ick!

Post by The Hen »

Do animals require sexual gratification or is it a more primitive instinct that gets them rutting. Is it the orgasm they seek?

In any case, I can not agree that an animal should be used by humans for human sexual gratification. Unless their particular perversion just requires a parrot sitting on their shoulder whilst they limp around on one leg.

I saw on the internet footage from a fatality with a horse.

This stupid arse bloke was taking up the council from a stallion. The stallion achieved erection.

The man died from the injuries.


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Re: Ick!

Post by The Hen »

The Hen wrote: The man died from the injuries.
I should also add, I gained GREAT satisfaction from that. It was a classic "Darwin" as far as I was concerned.


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Re: Ick!

Post by Rick »

This bartender owns a horse.
It cries continuously.
He puts up a sign "free beer for a year if you make the horse stop crying".
A new fella comes in notices the sign and says "set me me up I'll be right back".
He goes over to the horse whispers in it's ear and the horse starts laughing.

Stop me if you've heard this.

Well this goes on for almost a year.
The bar tender tells the guy it was better when he was crying.
I'll let you have free beer as long as you want if you get him to stop.

The guy takes the horse around back.
When he brings him back around the horses eyes are big as silver dollars but he wasn't laughing.

The bar tender asked him what that was all about.
The fella said 1st I told him mine was bigger than his.
Then I showed him...
Sometimes it seems as though one has to cross the line just to figger out where it is

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